Basically, imagine if you could enter PlayPumps Inc. as a director, and redirect attention from the inside to mosquito nets or malaria vaccines.
So this position is the same, but for animal welfare.
To explain, normally the people in here would balance the competing interests of the agriculture industry, consumers, environmentalism and animal welfare.
So non-EA people in this position might end up fighting for much less numerous pets—the far more neglected and numerous farm animals doesn’t get attention.
To see this tension, notice text in the ad itself.
The below describes the program you would be a part of.
The Bureau of Animal Protection (BAP) work unit … work together to respond to instances of animal abuse, neglect, mistreatment, and abandonment. Leading the program is a BAP program manager. This program coordinates investigations involving BAP agents and assists legal counsel on civil or criminal actions if needed based on the results of an investigation.
Compare this with the description for the Dept of Agriculture itself in the same ad.
Agriculture is a part of all our lives. As an employee of the Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA), you would be working in an agency that affects every person in the state because when you eat, wear clothes, or drive a car—you are part of agriculture. The primary goals of CDA are to strengthen and advance Colorado’s agriculture; promote a safe and high quality food supply; protect consumers; and foster responsible stewardship of the environment and natural resources.
It seems possible that for an EA, the counterfactual is huge, in the same sense that moving non-EA money to EA causes is huge.
Basically, imagine if you could enter PlayPumps Inc. as a director, and redirect attention from the inside to mosquito nets or malaria vaccines.
So this position is the same, but for animal welfare.
To explain, normally the people in here would balance the competing interests of the agriculture industry, consumers, environmentalism and animal welfare.
So non-EA people in this position might end up fighting for much less numerous pets—the far more neglected and numerous farm animals doesn’t get attention.
To see this tension, notice text in the ad itself.
The below describes the program you would be a part of.
Compare this with the description for the Dept of Agriculture itself in the same ad.
It seems possible that for an EA, the counterfactual is huge, in the same sense that moving non-EA money to EA causes is huge.