I’m henceforth offering a MetaGivingMultiplier. It’s the same structure than GivingMultiplier, but replace “local charities” with “GivingMultiplier” and “super-effective charities” with “a cryonics organization” (I recommend https://www.alcor.org/rapid/ or https://www.brainpreservation.org/). Anyone wants to take advantage of my donation match?
I’m henceforth offering a MetaGivingMultiplier. It’s the same structure than GivingMultiplier, but replace “local charities” with “GivingMultiplier” and “super-effective charities” with “a cryonics organization” (I recommend https://www.alcor.org/rapid/ or https://www.brainpreservation.org/). Anyone wants to take advantage of my donation match?
h/t: came up with this with Haydn Thomas-Rose