I call myself an EA. Others call me an EA. I don’t believe all of these “answer[s] to the question of how to do the most good.” In fact, I know several EAs, and I don’t think any of them believe all of these answers.
I really think EA is fundamentally cause-neutral, and that an EA could still be an EA even if all of their particular beliefs about how to do good changed.
I also identify as an EA and disagree to some extent with EA answers on cause prioritisation, but my disagreement is mostly about the extent to which they’re priorities compared to other things, and my disagreement isn’t too strong.
But it seems very unlikely for someone to continue to identify as an EA if they strongly disagree with all of these answers, which is why I think, in practice, these answers are part of the EA identity now (although I think we should try to change this, if possible).
Do you know an individual who identifies as an EA and strongly disagrees with all of these areas being priorities?
I call myself an EA. Others call me an EA. I don’t believe all of these “answer[s] to the question of how to do the most good.” In fact, I know several EAs, and I don’t think any of them believe all of these answers.
I really think EA is fundamentally cause-neutral, and that an EA could still be an EA even if all of their particular beliefs about how to do good changed.
I also identify as an EA and disagree to some extent with EA answers on cause prioritisation, but my disagreement is mostly about the extent to which they’re priorities compared to other things, and my disagreement isn’t too strong.
But it seems very unlikely for someone to continue to identify as an EA if they strongly disagree with all of these answers, which is why I think, in practice, these answers are part of the EA identity now (although I think we should try to change this, if possible).
Do you know an individual who identifies as an EA and strongly disagrees with all of these areas being priorities?
Not right now. (But if I met someone who disagreed with each of these causes, I wouldn’t think that they couldn’t be an EA.)