This doc is a collection of existing lists of EA syllabi / curricula as well as some of my own additions. I made it a few months ago when I was trying to brainstorm all the possible seminar-style programs a university group could run. I didn’t have to do much work since there are some excellent existing lists:
List of lists of EA syllabi
Link post
EDIT: people should use this doc from Irene (see the comments)
This doc is a collection of existing lists of EA syllabi / curricula as well as some of my own additions. I made it a few months ago when I was trying to brainstorm all the possible seminar-style programs a university group could run. I didn’t have to do much work since there are some excellent existing lists:
Effective Altruism Syllabi and Courses on longtermism by Pablo Stafforini (mostly official university courses)
EA syllabi and teaching materials by Julia Wise (“a list of all the known courses taught about EA or closely related topics”)
Library from the Global Challenges Project
Fellowships & Multi-Week Programs from the EA Groups Resource Center
I think I was still able to find some important additions, especially for AI-related syllabi. Anyone is welcome to comment with suggestions.