EDIT: people should use this doc from Irene (see the comments)
This doc is a collection of existing lists of EA syllabi / curricula as well as some of my own additions. I made it a few months ago when I was trying to brainstorm all the possible seminar-style programs a university group could run. I didn’t have to do much work since there are some excellent existing lists:
Effective Altruism Syllabi and Courses on longtermism by Pablo Stafforini (mostly official university courses)
EA syllabi and teaching materials by Julia Wise (“a list of all the known courses taught about EA or closely related topics”)
Library from the Global Challenges Project
Fellowships & Multi-Week Programs from the EA Groups Resource Center
I think I was still able to find some important additions, especially for AI-related syllabi. Anyone is welcome to comment with suggestions.
I incorporated all of the links from the list above and many more in the syllabi collection of EA Eindhoven. Might also be interesting to check out :)
Awesome! Yours is better than mine. I’ll just add to yours from now on.
Here are lists or courses that I collected that I’m too lazy to reconcile with the above:
List of university courses on effective altruism
https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/Bd4xeHeNgBywrofW6/psychology-of-effective-altruism-course-syllabus-1 - psychology of effective altruism syllabus
‘Doing good better—moral philosophy and Effective Altruism’ course syllabus.
Another list of EA courses—not strictly at academies https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AaaIcmKNl1Zk57gT-E6YOaxOXSUJUqCjjeIjv153bxk/edit
Thanks! 1st link is my doc, 2nd + 3rd + 4th are on Stafforini’s list of EA syllabi, and the 5th link is in my doc.
Going through this list and the annotated contents, I notice some important gaps in the content that is available (or at least the content that is tracked):
Almost no economics-based syllabi (such as Phil Trammel’s Topics in Economic Theory & Global Prioritization)
Limited syllabi/courses focusing on empirics
Few syllabi outside philosophy that engage academic literature.
(David Rhys-Bernard’s syllabus basically meets all of the above)
Thanks! Note that I have stopped updating this list, because I think the EA Eindhoven Syllabi Collection is more comprehensive.