I will note that most change of this scale doesn’t arise from methods like this. This could aide in giving a rough sense of how likely this is to work.
Here’s some examples of things like this working:
Victor Zhdanov’s work single-handed (And successfuly!) lobbying the WHO to eradicate smallpox. (https://​​youtu.be/​​ll9myMeFU3g, starting at the 8:00 mark)
I will note that most change of this scale doesn’t arise from methods like this. This could aide in giving a rough sense of how likely this is to work. Here’s some examples of things like this working:
Victor Zhdanov’s work single-handed (And successfuly!) lobbying the WHO to eradicate smallpox. (https://​​youtu.be/​​ll9myMeFU3g, starting at the 8:00 mark)
Eleanor Roosevelt (FDR’s wife) played a massive role in the creation of the UN. https://​​www.law.ox.ac.uk/​​centres-institutes/​​bonavero-institute-human-rights/​​eleanor-roosevelt-and-universal-declaration-human
and more
And here are some examples of efforts that have required broader support:
Climate change prevention
The abolition of slavery
Most or all movements pertaining to increasing equality
Nearly every election
The protection of the ozone layer
many if not most revolutions throughout history
and more
(Note: this was all off the top of my head.)