I worked on this problem for a few years and agree that it’s a bottleneck just in EA, but globally. I do think that the work on prediction is one potential “solution”, but there are additional problems with getting people to actually adopt solutions. The incentives for the people in power to change to a solution that gives them less power is low, and there are lots of evolutionary pressures that lead to the current vetting procedures. I’d love to talk more to you about this as I’m working on similar things, although have moved away from this exact problem.
I worked on this problem for a few years and agree that it’s a bottleneck just in EA, but globally. I do think that the work on prediction is one potential “solution”, but there are additional problems with getting people to actually adopt solutions. The incentives for the people in power to change to a solution that gives them less power is low, and there are lots of evolutionary pressures that lead to the current vetting procedures. I’d love to talk more to you about this as I’m working on similar things, although have moved away from this exact problem.