Hi Jason, I’m the author of the aforementioned research into IUDs, artificial wombs, and legislative solutions, which is indeed very cursory. The research is included at the bottom of a [larger draft](https://docs.google.com/document/d/10VL9m-GW2f428WZSEs834kiDrHFxtfPNQzc6ljLwTyc/edit?usp=sharing) of an eventual EA forum post outlining reasons why EAs might oppose abortion and potential interventions in that regard.
The draft’s philosophical arguments against abortion are much more mature than its section on potential interventions, partially because I’ve thought far more about the philosophical component than the practical component, and partially because I’ve been extremely time-poor since the time I dumped my thoughts into that draft.
I’d be more than happy to hear your thoughts / collaborate on a post on interventions to reduce the rate of abortion. Separating the philosophical post (“why might reducing the abortion rate be an EA priority?”) from the practical post (“how could we effectively reduce the abortion rate?”) might be an even better way to go. I’m sure commenters would have much to say on both topics :)
Hi Jason, I’m the author of the aforementioned research into IUDs, artificial wombs, and legislative solutions, which is indeed very cursory. The research is included at the bottom of a [larger draft](https://docs.google.com/document/d/10VL9m-GW2f428WZSEs834kiDrHFxtfPNQzc6ljLwTyc/edit?usp=sharing) of an eventual EA forum post outlining reasons why EAs might oppose abortion and potential interventions in that regard.
The draft’s philosophical arguments against abortion are much more mature than its section on potential interventions, partially because I’ve thought far more about the philosophical component than the practical component, and partially because I’ve been extremely time-poor since the time I dumped my thoughts into that draft.
I’d be more than happy to hear your thoughts / collaborate on a post on interventions to reduce the rate of abortion. Separating the philosophical post (“why might reducing the abortion rate be an EA priority?”) from the practical post (“how could we effectively reduce the abortion rate?”) might be an even better way to go. I’m sure commenters would have much to say on both topics :)