well, the problem is that there are a lot of progressives who find normal conservative values odious, and if you dare to invite conservatives to event there will be posts about how awful it is, and how are they racist-sexist-evil, and people feel unwelcome because of that.
a lot of people make “welcoming” zero-sum game, when you can’t have left and right in the same place, because having the right make it unwelcoming to left.
well, the problem is that there are a lot of progressives who find normal conservative values odious, and if you dare to invite conservatives to event there will be posts about how awful it is, and how are they racist-sexist-evil, and people feel unwelcome because of that.
a lot of people make “welcoming” zero-sum game, when you can’t have left and right in the same place, because having the right make it unwelcoming to left.