A major restriction is that they have to be things that would not otherwise be done later. If I invent something that would otherwise have been invented 20 years later, I have only improved the world by ( 20 years x impact of invention ) , not ( lifespan of humanity x impact of invention ).* This is quite a strong restriction on what could count as such permanent improvements.
Hasn’t Bostrom said something about how delays in technological progress create astronomical losses because they slow down subsequent technology?
Along the same lines I think economic progress and setting norms in international law could similarly have compounding effects that affect the far future pretty well. Otherwise I’m not sure what really can be done about these things besides raising awareness and spreading of ideas.
Hasn’t Bostrom said something about how delays in technological progress create astronomical losses because they slow down subsequent technology?
Along the same lines I think economic progress and setting norms in international law could similarly have compounding effects that affect the far future pretty well. Otherwise I’m not sure what really can be done about these things besides raising awareness and spreading of ideas.