Additionally, a lot of this is based on the work of Charity Entrepreneurshipâan overview can be found at this EAG talk by Joey Savoie, or a deeper dive can be found in the Charity Entrepreneurship HandbookâHow to Launch a High-Impact Nonprofit.
This also just seems like an opportune place to recommend applying to the Incubation Program if youâre interested in this kind of stuff :)
Meta tools
The Explore/âExploit tradeoffâKnowing (or committing to) how long you should spend âexploringâ options, before committing to âexploitâ the knowledge you have gained. In Algorithms to Live By, this tradeoff is put at 37% spent exploring, the rest exploiting.
Time-CappingâFixing the number of hours for a certain task, research project or decision and keeping research within those bounds.
Iterative DepthâA process of narrowing down many ideas to the most promising ones, without spending too much time on the least promising ones. This can be achieved by Time-Capping (above) each stage of the process, and iteratively researching ideas that make it to subsequent stages in increasing depth.
FeedbackâGiving and receiving feedback, as well as knowing which pieces of feedback to implement and which to discard.
Narrow FocusâThe ability to maintain focus on an idea without spreading yourself too thin. Ten half-finished projects are likely not as valuable as a single finished project.
Reevaluation PointsâBuilding in regular times that youâll reevaluate your project with fresh eyes and perspective, allowing you to maintain Narrow Focus (above) at other times.
Components of a Good ToolâUnderstanding where a tool you might use falls across the spectrum of:
SpeedâIf two tools are otherwise equal but one is faster, using the faster one is better)
Cross-ApplicabilityâA tool that can be efficiently used n more situations (especially when comparing interventions across causes)
AccuracyâThe more accurate a tool, the more weight you can give it in decision making
Tool Trade-offsâChoosing a tool based on the decision, such as between a) a fast, but semi-accurate tool, or b) a slow but accurate one. Often depends on the importance of the answer, how much time you have, and the number of options being compared.
Using Multiple ToolsâOften multiple tools can be used to get closer to the truth, and if multiple tools are converging on an answerâyouâre likely heading in the right direction!
Try to use as many tools as you can, but keep proper utilization in mind (most tools have a minimum useful timeâDiversity is better, but keep in mind the âsweet spotsâ for each tool)
Use complementary toolsâi.e. cost-effectiveness and experts provide different perspectives and great to use together
I want to highlight that this tool in particular will likely be used significantly throughout the Roadmap.
Creating a set of criteria, assigning weightings for each, and then going through multiple options to generate a score to help you assess the best options. This enables you to combine a large number of factors into a single score, and be transparent about your reasoning. Often created in a spreadsheet.
The number of factorsâUse more factors for complex problems | Try to limit categories | 1 factor can have multiple subcategories | Keep your comparison between 3 to 10 variables
Colour codingâAllows you to see information much quicker | Easily compare data and spot weak areas | Valuable for broad-level comparison | Use intuitive colours (Green/âYellow/âRed)
Content HierarchyâPut the most important criteria closer to the total score (left-hand side of your spreadsheet) | Arrange columns from most to least significant factors
FeedbackâSpreadsheets are transparent | Lets you layout your reasoning in a clear process | Which helps in communication with advisors and evaluators
Using the tools of rationality to make decisions more effective, such as understanding biases, bayesian reasoning, and epistemic modesty.
Instrumental vs Epistemic Rationality
Epistemic rationality means arriving at true beliefs: your map matches the territory
Instrumental rationality means achieving your goals effectively and successfully
Expected Value Calculationsâexpected value is calculated by multiplying each of the possible outcomes by the likelihood each outcome will occur and then summing all of those values
Occamâs Razorâall else being equal, the simplest explanation is probably right
Bayesian ThinkingâHaving a prior belief, then updating that belief based on new evidence
Skepticism and critical thinkingâis something looks too good to be true, your model is probably flawedâadopt a skeptical prior
Epistemic modestyâBecome more comfortable with deferring to experts, and applying self-skepticism
Crucial Considerationsâare factors that influence the outcome the most
Understanding the relative strengths of different types of evidence when reviewing the literature, as well as concepts such as randomisation and falsification if you need to undertake primary scientific research.
Interpreting a P-ValueâAll else being equal, the lower the p-value, the more likely it is that the results are because of a true effect
P-FishingâP-fishing is where you analyse the data from a large number of different ways. The more statistical tests you do, the more likely it is you will get a false positive
Donât just read the abstractâIf the decision youâre making is very important to get right, you should not just read the abstract (if the decision is small, unimportant or very time-bound, abstracts are fine)
Pay attention to the effect sizeâStatistical significance is not the same as real life significance
Factors that affect how relevant an RCT is:
MetricsâIs it measuring the metrics you care about, or an intermediate metric?
LocationâThe closer the location the study was done to the location you will do the intervention in, the better
PopulationâPopulation is similar to where youâll be working
InterventionâIntervention is similar to the one youâll be working on
ScaleâAn intervention done at a small scale gets a lot more attention and highly talented people working on it than when it gets scaled up to millions of people
DateâThe world changes a lot over time. If a study was conducted in the 90s, thatâs 20+ years ago. What worked then might not work now
Evidence-Based GivingâFocus on the historical evidence for high-impact
High-FidelityâMore complex, deeper, more descriptive
Low-FidelityâBroad, easy, less nuanced
Independent Experts
Try to distinguish good advice from bad advice, then try to apply the good advice
Come preparedâDonât want to waste advice or advisorâs time
Have topics and questions prepared (donât necessarily have to follow)
Advice often points to the biggest weakness but not the path forwardâAdvisors will be drawn towards highlighting flaws, but unless they have deep understanding of your context, will be less likely to come up with solutions
Types of Experts
SpecialistsâNarrow knowledge about something very specific
Domain Expertâbroad knowledge about a narrow domain
Broad expertâBroad, comparative knowledge, e.g. charity evaluators
MentorsâHave a similar experience, can relate to your charity | Have a nontrivial relationship with you | Are more trusted advisors | You talk the them about cross-cutting issues
How to connectâStart with building a network of advisors | Talk to a lot of people (conference, social skypes) | Donât neglect your contact form | Check CE Mentorship profiles | Spot people who give good advice and turn them into mentors
Broad vs. NarrowâMentors usually provide broad advice but they can also give you good, specific advice because they know your organisation well
FundersâLarge funders will often want to be involvedâdonât just want to provide money
How to connectâSpeaking to current donors (even small donors)
Broad vs. NarrowâEA funders are broad advisors | Most funders will be narrow advisors that can give you advice on things that cross-apply from the for-profit world, e.g. hiring, management
Academic ExpertsâOften their names will come up again and again while researching
How to connectâCold reach outs often work out pretty well (at least depending on popularity) - 50% response rate (though varies on the field) | EmailâShort, sweet and to the point | Often studying it for a reason and so can be excited to talk to you
Broad vs. NarrowâAcademic experts are often narrow advisors | Though some buck the trend and can have broader knowledge
PolicymakersâBroadly (key ministers or people connected to them such as staffers) | Lots of variation between countries, but most have national and local level (and sometimes state) | Need to identify who makes the decisions you care about
How to connectâIdeally Warm introductionsâUsually can be done through established non-profits | Cold introduction to a lower down official
Broad vs. NarrowâNormally pretty broad | Will need a quick, simple, ideally intuitive explanation of the issue and intervention | Theyâll know what can get traction
Other (Charitable) OrganisationsâOther incubatees, other orgs in your space | Bear in mind youâre speaking to a person, not an org, but youâre speaking due to their affiliation
How to connectâRanges, but often (especially small orgs) are easy to get in touch with | Many will reach out to you | Cold calls, warm introductions and networking all work
Broad vs. NarrowâFoundations are broadâImplementation will be specific
Your CommunityâBroadly the EA community and the specific area you are within (i.e. if working in animals the animal community) | Advice is from individuals that donât fall into categories aboveâwill likely interact lots and get positive/ânegative feedback | Can give you a lot of knowledge, expertise, and connections to valuable people | Provides support
How to connectâMost communities have low barriers to entry (i.e. EA Forum) | Generally excited to have new people join and intro events | Low bar to connect | Connecting frequently and respecting the norms is good (be a community member and not a spammer) | Engage thoughtfully (read content published by the community before you post)
Broad vs. NarrowâFilled with individuals that have specific knowledge, but overall broad | Some people are community experts who can give a good overview
One of the bests ways to create a habit is an if-then Intentionâwhere you have a:
TriggerâThe trigger is something specific in the environment that prompts you to do a certain behaviour if it happens
BehaviourâThe specific behaviour you then carry out
Escape, Alter, Reframe (EAR)
EscapeâCan you just leave the problem?
AlterâCan you change the situation to make it better?
ReframeâCan you look at the problem in a different way?
Why is this important? - The first most important question is to figure out whether you should even bother solving the problem
What triggered this question? - This is a great question that will keep you grounded on something practical and help you figure out what is the actual problem
Is there a better way to frame the question/âproblem? - The initial framing of the question will influence the answers you come to
How to reframe a problem
What is my underlying need that makes me want X?
How do I get both A and B conflicting goals at the same time?
How do I get X negative thing to stop happening?
How do I get Y positive thing to happen instead of X?
Whatâs causing X?
What are some different ways I could prevent it?
What decision is it influencing? - Make sure that youâre thinking about something that is useful
Goals/âCriteriaâIf you donât know what youâre pursuing, any choice is equally good
Start Broadâe.g. Preventing suffering | Making your loved ones happy
Break it down to intermediate stepsâe.g. Make less chickens live through factory farms | Have more enjoyable down time or reduce stressors
Donât re-invent the wheelâIf youâre having a problem, odds are somebody else has already had it, solved it, and written about it
Google it. See what other people have found
Check your notes to see if you have already thought /â written about it
MethodologyâHow are you going to approach the problem? (or a combination)
Long period of collecting and analysing data
More analysis and trying to figure out the problem via thinking and discussing with friends
Data/âObservationsâFocus on observing the instances of the problem first with an open mind.
As hypotheses occur to you, quickly jot them down in the hypotheses section, then return to listing observations
HypothesesâHaving this step forces you to come up with multiple hypotheses as to what is causing the problem
If you have the time, this is a good time to try out the 5 Whys
Experiments /â potential solutionsâGenerate a list of potential solutions and ways to experiment with them
Make sure to spend some time coming up with alternatives
Thereâs always more potential solutions than you first think
Long-term Planning
Being able to generate an overall goal, while also knowing what level of detail you should plan ahead (i.e. a month-to-month plan should be more detailed than a one-year plan, which in turn should be more detailed than a five-year plan).
You will achieve less than you expect in 1 year and more than you expect in 5 years
Front load tasksâPut the most important things earlier in the plan
You can always cut the less important stuff at the end
Focusâe.g. Top 3 org objectives for the year | Top 3 personal objectives for the month
Work backwardsâfrom aspirational goals, then can figure out steps
Black SwansâBuild in robustnessâneed to be able to deal with unknown unknowns
Pre-MortemâImagine your project failed a year from now
Why did it fail? What could you have done to prevent it?
Plan for PivotsâExpect 5 small modifications in a year
Making a Plan
Before you PlanâHave a deep understanding of the area (Broad and Narrow reading, talking to experts) | Expect to get more information every year | Look into templates
5-Year PlanâInspirational | Broad direction | Not very accurate
Paragraph per year + conclusion/âsummary of what you hope to accomplish
1-Year PlanâGoal-setting | Key metrics, key milestones | Donors look at it more closely
Month-to-Month PlanâSpecific steps and timeline | Assigning responsibilities for staff
Tracking your Plan
Monthly ReviewâGo through your goals and check if they are: on track (green), not on track (amber), unlikely to happen (red)
Helps you adjust your workload and re-focus | Can evaluate for more goals
Yearly ReviewâDeeper | Based on lessons you learned (e.g. on hiring, too ambitious goals)
Look back on specific SMART goals | Analyse your processes
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis (CEA)
A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis (CEA) is basically a calculation aimed at creating a single number representing a benefit (such as a health metric, like DALYs or Lives Saved) for a given cost (normally some currency). E.g. âthe result of the CEA showed a life could be saved for â$5,000â.
Youâll likely want to start with a spreadsheet tool like Google Sheets (a tool like Guesstimate can be used for complex CEAs you may develop in future, in particular for CEAs with high levels of uncertainty). The design of your CEA will likely split up each broad idea within your CEA into its own sheet:
Each sheet will likely be read across a given row, with the first column containing your titles.
You might put specific sections into their own boxes (for readability) and notes in the last columns.
Once youâve developed your sheet for each broad idea, the key number from each can be pulled into a Summary Sheet.
The summary sheet will contain the results of the CEA, i.e. âBenefit X for Cost Y âł, as well as the most important numbers that factor into that result and the factors which most affect the estimate (the Sensitivity Analysis).
Youâll likely include a Benefits, Costs, and Counterfactuals section. Additionally, you might also want to include an Optimistic, Pessimistic, and Best-Guess for some numbers (for Monte Carlo simulations you can use Guesstimate).
You might also discount numbers within your CEA, such as:
Certaintyâif you have a source for a number, but itâs uncertain, you might apply a certainty discount to it
Generalisabilityâwhen generalising evidence from one context to another, you might apply a generalisability discount, to acknowledge that the situation youâre modelling is not identical to the source youâre using
Biasâif you believe that bias may be a factor in a number from a source, you might discount it
Finally, youâll want to include a References tab at the end (along with links to the most important numbers actually within the CEA itself).
To keep your CEAs consistent with others (like GiveWellâs) youâll likely want to use similar formatting, such as colour-coding cells based on data type:
Yellow: Value and Ethical judgementsâThese are numbers that could change if the reader has different ethical judgements to you, and there is often no clear answerâi.e. âhow many years of happiness is losing the life of one child under five worthâ
Green: Citation-based numbersâNumbers based on a specific citation, often hyperlinked (or noted in the reference section)
Blue: Calculated numbersâNumbers generated from other numbers within the sheet
Orange: Estimated numbersâNumbers where a source cannot be found, and a number is required to be estimated by a CEA author (or expert)
Bear in mind that there is diversity among existing CEAs. Charity Entrepreneurship suggests that there are the following levels:
Informative A CEA where the endline isnât particularly useful on its own, but the variables and citations that were used to develop it can be informative for your own.
Suggestive A good-quality CEA, but assessing a different metric/âsituation to you. Often it will help you to update your views, but youâll still need to create your own CEA.
PredictiveâA high-quality CEA that is sufficiently close to your metrics/âsituation. Youâd likely use many of the same inputs when creating your own CEA.
Finally, itâs worth remembering that the CEA is a map, not the territory. Itâs likely to be imperfect and/âor missing key data. Whilst itâs often a very useful tool, there are shortcomings, and it should be one tool among a few to help you make decisions.
Monitoring refers to the routine monitoring of project resources, activities, and results, and analysis of the information to guide project implementation.
Evaluation refers to the periodic assessments and analysis of ongoing or completed projects
Learning is the process through which information generated from M&E is reflected upon and intentionally used to continuously improve a projectâs ability to achieve results
Itâs worth noting here that MEL systems often donât get it right the first time, rather they evolve over time, based on internal learning (and external accountability).
A good place to start with Monitoring is a Logframe. A Logframe essentially takes your Theory of Change (or a Programme Theory) and transforms it into a table, allowing you to inspect each step, and pull out the data that can be used to verify that the change is taking place. You take each step (Objective) and then explicitly state what youâre going to track (Indicators/âMetrics), how youâll verify and store the data related to this tracking (Sources of Verification), and finally any risks, assumptions or externalities within this step, that may result in no impact, even if the Objective is achieved (Threats). While your final Monitoring system may end up outgrowing the Logframe, this is a great place to start.
Evaluation is most useful when scheduled as a periodic appraisal. In particular, itâs useful to specify ahead of time what actions should be taken based on findings, with an organisational commitment (and resources) to do so. Such as:
What circumstances warrant a scale-up of the intervention?
What circumstances warrant a small (or significant) redesign of the program?
What circumstances would warrant a program shutdown?
[Impact Roadmap] Decision-Making Tools
This post is intended to outline useful Decision-Making Tools youâll likely refer to many times throughout the Roadmap.
There is a separate post on Creative-Thinking Tools.
Additionally, a lot of this is based on the work of Charity Entrepreneurshipâan overview can be found at this EAG talk by Joey Savoie, or a deeper dive can be found in the Charity Entrepreneurship HandbookâHow to Launch a High-Impact Nonprofit.
This also just seems like an opportune place to recommend applying to the Incubation Program if youâre interested in this kind of stuff :)
Meta tools
The Explore/âExploit tradeoffâKnowing (or committing to) how long you should spend âexploringâ options, before committing to âexploitâ the knowledge you have gained. In Algorithms to Live By, this tradeoff is put at 37% spent exploring, the rest exploiting.
Time-CappingâFixing the number of hours for a certain task, research project or decision and keeping research within those bounds.
Iterative DepthâA process of narrowing down many ideas to the most promising ones, without spending too much time on the least promising ones. This can be achieved by Time-Capping (above) each stage of the process, and iteratively researching ideas that make it to subsequent stages in increasing depth.
FeedbackâGiving and receiving feedback, as well as knowing which pieces of feedback to implement and which to discard.
Narrow FocusâThe ability to maintain focus on an idea without spreading yourself too thin. Ten half-finished projects are likely not as valuable as a single finished project.
Reevaluation PointsâBuilding in regular times that youâll reevaluate your project with fresh eyes and perspective, allowing you to maintain Narrow Focus (above) at other times.
Components of a Good ToolâUnderstanding where a tool you might use falls across the spectrum of:
SpeedâIf two tools are otherwise equal but one is faster, using the faster one is better)
Cross-ApplicabilityâA tool that can be efficiently used n more situations (especially when comparing interventions across causes)
AccuracyâThe more accurate a tool, the more weight you can give it in decision making
Tool Trade-offsâChoosing a tool based on the decision, such as between a) a fast, but semi-accurate tool, or b) a slow but accurate one. Often depends on the importance of the answer, how much time you have, and the number of options being compared.
Using Multiple ToolsâOften multiple tools can be used to get closer to the truth, and if multiple tools are converging on an answerâyouâre likely heading in the right direction!
Try to use as many tools as you can, but keep proper utilization in mind (most tools have a minimum useful timeâDiversity is better, but keep in mind the âsweet spotsâ for each tool)
Use complementary toolsâi.e. cost-effectiveness and experts provide different perspectives and great to use together
Multi-Factor Decision-Making
I want to highlight that this tool in particular will likely be used significantly throughout the Roadmap.
Creating a set of criteria, assigning weightings for each, and then going through multiple options to generate a score to help you assess the best options. This enables you to combine a large number of factors into a single score, and be transparent about your reasoning. Often created in a spreadsheet.
The number of factorsâUse more factors for complex problems | Try to limit categories | 1 factor can have multiple subcategories | Keep your comparison between 3 to 10 variables
Colour codingâAllows you to see information much quicker | Easily compare data and spot weak areas | Valuable for broad-level comparison | Use intuitive colours (Green/âYellow/âRed)
Content HierarchyâPut the most important criteria closer to the total score (left-hand side of your spreadsheet) | Arrange columns from most to least significant factors
FeedbackâSpreadsheets are transparent | Lets you layout your reasoning in a clear process | Which helps in communication with advisors and evaluators
Using the tools of rationality to make decisions more effective, such as understanding biases, bayesian reasoning, and epistemic modesty.
Instrumental vs Epistemic Rationality
Epistemic rationality means arriving at true beliefs: your map matches the territory
Instrumental rationality means achieving your goals effectively and successfully
Expected Value Calculationsâexpected value is calculated by multiplying each of the possible outcomes by the likelihood each outcome will occur and then summing all of those values
Occamâs Razorâall else being equal, the simplest explanation is probably right
Bayesian ThinkingâHaving a prior belief, then updating that belief based on new evidence
Skepticism and critical thinkingâis something looks too good to be true, your model is probably flawedâadopt a skeptical prior
Epistemic modestyâBecome more comfortable with deferring to experts, and applying self-skepticism
Crucial Considerationsâare factors that influence the outcome the most
Scientific Method
Understanding the relative strengths of different types of evidence when reviewing the literature, as well as concepts such as randomisation and falsification if you need to undertake primary scientific research.
Interpreting a P-ValueâAll else being equal, the lower the p-value, the more likely it is that the results are because of a true effect
P-FishingâP-fishing is where you analyse the data from a large number of different ways. The more statistical tests you do, the more likely it is you will get a false positive
Donât just read the abstractâIf the decision youâre making is very important to get right, you should not just read the abstract (if the decision is small, unimportant or very time-bound, abstracts are fine)
Pay attention to the effect sizeâStatistical significance is not the same as real life significance
Factors that affect how relevant an RCT is:
MetricsâIs it measuring the metrics you care about, or an intermediate metric?
LocationâThe closer the location the study was done to the location you will do the intervention in, the better
PopulationâPopulation is similar to where youâll be working
InterventionâIntervention is similar to the one youâll be working on
ScaleâAn intervention done at a small scale gets a lot more attention and highly talented people working on it than when it gets scaled up to millions of people
DateâThe world changes a lot over time. If a study was conducted in the 90s, thatâs 20+ years ago. What worked then might not work now
Effective Altruism
Using the insights gleaned from the EA community (themselves often derived from Economics and Philosophy) to improve your decisions.
ImpartialityâHelping people/âanimals in different circumstances regardless of what we prefer
Crucial ConsiderationsâThe most important factors that can change the outcome of your decision
CounterfactualsâWhat would have happened if you hadnât chosen X
StrawmanningâMaking an argument in its softest version
SteelmanningâMaking an argument in its strongest version
Important, Neglectedness, Tractability (INT) FrameworkâA conceptual framework that you can use as a shortcut to narrow down to good ideas quickly
Limiting FactorâThe factor(s) that is going to limit your intervention
Might be more important than the scale of an issue
Value DriftâChanging the hierarchy of your values in a significant way, e.g. becoming less altruism-oriented
TransparencyâBeing transparent about failures that are potentially common (might harm your org but might help the world)
Cause XâUndiscovered cause area that might be highly promising
LongtermismâFocusing on interventions in the long-run futurem e.g. AI, biorisk
NeartermismâFocusing on interventions for people/âanimals that live now or in the next generation
Excited AltruismâPut less weight on putting altruism over personal happiness
Selfless AltruismâPrioritise something that is good for the whole despite personal interest or passion
Hits-Based GivingâHigh-risk, high-reward philanthropy
Evidence-Based GivingâFocus on the historical evidence for high-impact
High-FidelityâMore complex, deeper, more descriptive
Low-FidelityâBroad, easy, less nuanced
Independent Experts
Try to distinguish good advice from bad advice, then try to apply the good advice
Come preparedâDonât want to waste advice or advisorâs time
Have topics and questions prepared (donât necessarily have to follow)
Advice often points to the biggest weakness but not the path forwardâAdvisors will be drawn towards highlighting flaws, but unless they have deep understanding of your context, will be less likely to come up with solutions
Types of Experts
SpecialistsâNarrow knowledge about something very specific
Domain Expertâbroad knowledge about a narrow domain
Broad expertâBroad, comparative knowledge, e.g. charity evaluators
MentorsâHave a similar experience, can relate to your charity | Have a nontrivial relationship with you | Are more trusted advisors | You talk the them about cross-cutting issues
How to connectâStart with building a network of advisors | Talk to a lot of people (conference, social skypes) | Donât neglect your contact form | Check CE Mentorship profiles | Spot people who give good advice and turn them into mentors
Broad vs. NarrowâMentors usually provide broad advice but they can also give you good, specific advice because they know your organisation well
FundersâLarge funders will often want to be involvedâdonât just want to provide money
How to connectâSpeaking to current donors (even small donors)
Broad vs. NarrowâEA funders are broad advisors | Most funders will be narrow advisors that can give you advice on things that cross-apply from the for-profit world, e.g. hiring, management
Academic ExpertsâOften their names will come up again and again while researching
How to connectâCold reach outs often work out pretty well (at least depending on popularity) - 50% response rate (though varies on the field) | EmailâShort, sweet and to the point | Often studying it for a reason and so can be excited to talk to you
Broad vs. NarrowâAcademic experts are often narrow advisors | Though some buck the trend and can have broader knowledge
PolicymakersâBroadly (key ministers or people connected to them such as staffers) | Lots of variation between countries, but most have national and local level (and sometimes state) | Need to identify who makes the decisions you care about
How to connectâIdeally Warm introductionsâUsually can be done through established non-profits | Cold introduction to a lower down official
Broad vs. NarrowâNormally pretty broad | Will need a quick, simple, ideally intuitive explanation of the issue and intervention | Theyâll know what can get traction
Other (Charitable) OrganisationsâOther incubatees, other orgs in your space | Bear in mind youâre speaking to a person, not an org, but youâre speaking due to their affiliation
How to connectâRanges, but often (especially small orgs) are easy to get in touch with | Many will reach out to you | Cold calls, warm introductions and networking all work
Broad vs. NarrowâFoundations are broadâImplementation will be specific
Your CommunityâBroadly the EA community and the specific area you are within (i.e. if working in animals the animal community) | Advice is from individuals that donât fall into categories aboveâwill likely interact lots and get positive/ânegative feedback | Can give you a lot of knowledge, expertise, and connections to valuable people | Provides support
How to connectâMost communities have low barriers to entry (i.e. EA Forum) | Generally excited to have new people join and intro events | Low bar to connect | Connecting frequently and respecting the norms is good (be a community member and not a spammer) | Engage thoughtfully (read content published by the community before you post)
Broad vs. NarrowâFilled with individuals that have specific knowledge, but overall broad | Some people are community experts who can give a good overview
Task Planning
The ability to prioritise and focus on high-impact tasks, deep work, maintaining healthy habits etc.
Focus on high-impact tasksâIs it Important? Is it Urgent? Whatâs the Effort required?
Prioritise High-Importance, High-Urgent tasks
Schedule High-Importance, Non-Urgent tasks
Understand the effort required for each for Time Capping and Quick Wins
Implement 80â20 approach
Donât reinvent the wheelâUse standard templates when useful
Can outsource to Fiverr or Upwork to free up your time
Use a task-management toolâAvoid trap of thinking you can keep it all in your mind
Avoid trap of over researching task management or reinventing task management
Ensure consistent task management system (such as Asana, not email)
Getting Things DoneâCapture Everything, Clarify, Organise, Review, Engage
Time BoxingâLook at high impact, high priority tasks and reserve a slot on your calendar
Creates time for you to work on these tasks
Forces you to apply 80â20 as you are time capped
Without time boxing can spend the day âfirefightingâ (working on urgent, non-important tasksâlike emails etc which can be batched)
Deep WorkâUninterrupted work (turn off phone, slack messages etc)
Allows you to focus and achieve output in a limited time (aligns well with Time Boxing)
Donât schedule meetings when youâre primed for deep work (and maybe have some days with no meetings at all)
Review your activitiesâDoes your time spent on activities align with your high-importance tasks
Can reconsider whether you are spending too much time on a task and can outsource/âdelegate (within your task management system)
Goal is to have fewer tasksâwhat are we doing that we shouldnât be doing? (beware of Sunk Cost Fallacy)
Self CareâEat well, Sleep Well, Exercise
One of the bests ways to create a habit is an if-then Intentionâwhere you have a:
TriggerâThe trigger is something specific in the environment that prompts you to do a certain behaviour if it happens
BehaviourâThe specific behaviour you then carry out
Escape, Alter, Reframe (EAR)
EscapeâCan you just leave the problem?
AlterâCan you change the situation to make it better?
ReframeâCan you look at the problem in a different way?
Why is this important? - The first most important question is to figure out whether you should even bother solving the problem
What triggered this question? - This is a great question that will keep you grounded on something practical and help you figure out what is the actual problem
Is there a better way to frame the question/âproblem? - The initial framing of the question will influence the answers you come to
How to reframe a problem
What is my underlying need that makes me want X?
How do I get both A and B conflicting goals at the same time?
How do I get X negative thing to stop happening?
How do I get Y positive thing to happen instead of X?
Whatâs causing X?
What are some different ways I could prevent it?
What decision is it influencing? - Make sure that youâre thinking about something that is useful
Goals/âCriteriaâIf you donât know what youâre pursuing, any choice is equally good
Start Broadâe.g. Preventing suffering | Making your loved ones happy
Break it down to intermediate stepsâe.g. Make less chickens live through factory farms | Have more enjoyable down time or reduce stressors
Donât re-invent the wheelâIf youâre having a problem, odds are somebody else has already had it, solved it, and written about it
Google it. See what other people have found
Check your notes to see if you have already thought /â written about it
MethodologyâHow are you going to approach the problem? (or a combination)
Long period of collecting and analysing data
More analysis and trying to figure out the problem via thinking and discussing with friends
Data/âObservationsâFocus on observing the instances of the problem first with an open mind.
As hypotheses occur to you, quickly jot them down in the hypotheses section, then return to listing observations
HypothesesâHaving this step forces you to come up with multiple hypotheses as to what is causing the problem
If you have the time, this is a good time to try out the 5 Whys
Experiments /â potential solutionsâGenerate a list of potential solutions and ways to experiment with them
Make sure to spend some time coming up with alternatives
Thereâs always more potential solutions than you first think
Long-term Planning
Being able to generate an overall goal, while also knowing what level of detail you should plan ahead (i.e. a month-to-month plan should be more detailed than a one-year plan, which in turn should be more detailed than a five-year plan).
You will achieve less than you expect in 1 year and more than you expect in 5 years
Front load tasksâPut the most important things earlier in the plan
You can always cut the less important stuff at the end
Focusâe.g. Top 3 org objectives for the year | Top 3 personal objectives for the month
Work backwardsâfrom aspirational goals, then can figure out steps
Black SwansâBuild in robustnessâneed to be able to deal with unknown unknowns
Pre-MortemâImagine your project failed a year from now
Why did it fail? What could you have done to prevent it?
Plan for PivotsâExpect 5 small modifications in a year
Making a Plan
Before you PlanâHave a deep understanding of the area (Broad and Narrow reading, talking to experts) | Expect to get more information every year | Look into templates
5-Year PlanâInspirational | Broad direction | Not very accurate
Paragraph per year + conclusion/âsummary of what you hope to accomplish
1-Year PlanâGoal-setting | Key metrics, key milestones | Donors look at it more closely
Month-to-Month PlanâSpecific steps and timeline | Assigning responsibilities for staff
Tracking your Plan
Monthly ReviewâGo through your goals and check if they are: on track (green), not on track (amber), unlikely to happen (red)
Helps you adjust your workload and re-focus | Can evaluate for more goals
Yearly ReviewâDeeper | Based on lessons you learned (e.g. on hiring, too ambitious goals)
Look back on specific SMART goals | Analyse your processes
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis (CEA)
A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis (CEA) is basically a calculation aimed at creating a single number representing a benefit (such as a health metric, like DALYs or Lives Saved) for a given cost (normally some currency). E.g. âthe result of the CEA showed a life could be saved for â$5,000â.
Youâll likely want to start with a spreadsheet tool like Google Sheets (a tool like Guesstimate can be used for complex CEAs you may develop in future, in particular for CEAs with high levels of uncertainty). The design of your CEA will likely split up each broad idea within your CEA into its own sheet:
Each sheet will likely be read across a given row, with the first column containing your titles.
You might put specific sections into their own boxes (for readability) and notes in the last columns.
Once youâve developed your sheet for each broad idea, the key number from each can be pulled into a Summary Sheet.
The summary sheet will contain the results of the CEA, i.e. âBenefit X for Cost Y âł, as well as the most important numbers that factor into that result and the factors which most affect the estimate (the Sensitivity Analysis).
Youâll likely include a Benefits, Costs, and Counterfactuals section. Additionally, you might also want to include an Optimistic, Pessimistic, and Best-Guess for some numbers (for Monte Carlo simulations you can use Guesstimate).
You might also discount numbers within your CEA, such as:
Certaintyâif you have a source for a number, but itâs uncertain, you might apply a certainty discount to it
Generalisabilityâwhen generalising evidence from one context to another, you might apply a generalisability discount, to acknowledge that the situation youâre modelling is not identical to the source youâre using
Biasâif you believe that bias may be a factor in a number from a source, you might discount it
Finally, youâll want to include a References tab at the end (along with links to the most important numbers actually within the CEA itself).
To keep your CEAs consistent with others (like GiveWellâs) youâll likely want to use similar formatting, such as colour-coding cells based on data type:
Yellow: Value and Ethical judgementsâThese are numbers that could change if the reader has different ethical judgements to you, and there is often no clear answerâi.e. âhow many years of happiness is losing the life of one child under five worthâ
Green: Citation-based numbersâNumbers based on a specific citation, often hyperlinked (or noted in the reference section)
Blue: Calculated numbersâNumbers generated from other numbers within the sheet
Orange: Estimated numbersâNumbers where a source cannot be found, and a number is required to be estimated by a CEA author (or expert)
Bear in mind that there is diversity among existing CEAs. Charity Entrepreneurship suggests that there are the following levels:
Informative A CEA where the endline isnât particularly useful on its own, but the variables and citations that were used to develop it can be informative for your own.
Suggestive A good-quality CEA, but assessing a different metric/âsituation to you. Often it will help you to update your views, but youâll still need to create your own CEA.
PredictiveâA high-quality CEA that is sufficiently close to your metrics/âsituation. Youâd likely use many of the same inputs when creating your own CEA.
Finally, itâs worth remembering that the CEA is a map, not the territory. Itâs likely to be imperfect and/âor missing key data. Whilst itâs often a very useful tool, there are shortcomings, and it should be one tool among a few to help you make decisions.
[More details on developing a Cost-Effectiveness Analysis can be found in chapter 14 of the Charity Entrepreneurship HandbookââHow to Launch a High-Impact Nonprofitâ (and also likely elsewhereâŚ), additionally itâs worth referring to this list of ways in which cost-effectiveness estimates can be misleading, itâs a useful checklist to assess if important considerations havenât been missed).]
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL)
Monitoring refers to the routine monitoring of project resources, activities, and results, and analysis of the information to guide project implementation.
Evaluation refers to the periodic assessments and analysis of ongoing or completed projects
Learning is the process through which information generated from M&E is reflected upon and intentionally used to continuously improve a projectâs ability to achieve results
Itâs worth noting here that MEL systems often donât get it right the first time, rather they evolve over time, based on internal learning (and external accountability).
A good place to start with Monitoring is a Logframe. A Logframe essentially takes your Theory of Change (or a Programme Theory) and transforms it into a table, allowing you to inspect each step, and pull out the data that can be used to verify that the change is taking place. You take each step (Objective) and then explicitly state what youâre going to track (Indicators/âMetrics), how youâll verify and store the data related to this tracking (Sources of Verification), and finally any risks, assumptions or externalities within this step, that may result in no impact, even if the Objective is achieved (Threats). While your final Monitoring system may end up outgrowing the Logframe, this is a great place to start.
[The CART Principles are a useful methodology for Monitoringâand are summarised in the Programme Development Methodologies Appendix.]
Evaluation is most useful when scheduled as a periodic appraisal. In particular, itâs useful to specify ahead of time what actions should be taken based on findings, with an organisational commitment (and resources) to do so. Such as:
What circumstances warrant a scale-up of the intervention?
What circumstances warrant a small (or significant) redesign of the program?
What circumstances would warrant a program shutdown?
[The Network on Development Evaluation (EvalNet) criteria are a useful methodology for Evaluationâand are summarised in the Programme Development Methodologies Appendix.]
Your Monitoring systems and Evaluation appraisals provide an opportunity for reflection and continuous improvement.
For example at a Project level:
What works well in a particular context or what does not work well?
Which aspects of a project has more influence the achievement of results?
Which strategies can be replicated?
And at an Organisational level:
Compare project results to determine which contribute to your organisationâs mission.
Aggregate results from similar projects or cross-cutting organizational indicators to understand your organisationâs wider reach.
Use the learnings from different projects to guide new project development and funding opportunities.
To facilitate this Learning, you might:
Set up both formal and informal opportunities to reflect on lessons learned
Share project outcomes and organisational insights (both positive and negative), with partners, communities, and funders
Publish learnings (i.e. on your website) for accountability and transparency