Nice, thanks Oscar! I totally get how it might seem like a case of simple cluelessness. I don’t think it actually is but it definitely isn’t obvious, yeah. This is a problem.
Also on your question 1, I think being agnostic about which one is better is quite different to being agnostic about whether something is good at all (in expectation) and I think the first is a significantly easier thing to argue for than the second.
I think I kinda agree but the same way I agree that doing 1 trillion push-ups in a row is significantly harder than doing 1 million. It’s technically true in some sense but both are way out of reach anyway. I really don’t see how one could make a convincing argument why donating to animal shelters predictably makes the World better or worse, considering all the effects from now until the end of time.
Nice, thanks Oscar! I totally get how it might seem like a case of simple cluelessness. I don’t think it actually is but it definitely isn’t obvious, yeah. This is a problem.
I think I kinda agree but the same way I agree that doing 1 trillion push-ups in a row is significantly harder than doing 1 million. It’s technically true in some sense but both are way out of reach anyway. I really don’t see how one could make a convincing argument why donating to animal shelters predictably makes the World better or worse, considering all the effects from now until the end of time.