Thanks so much for sharing the article from The Counter. It was a gripping read, although it didn’t tell me what I wanted to hear.
I really hope the technical challenges can be overcome. I would be super sad and discouraged if cell cultured meat didn’t start to take off within, say, the next 15 years.
I’m happy you found it insightful, despite the discouraging content.
I have no direct knowledge of the field, but if the analysis holds true, I assume takeoff within the next 15 years seems very unlikely.
That being said, maybe we can be more optimistic about progress in plant-based meat alternatives in that timeframe. I recently learned about Rebellyous Foods and found their (reported) progress on making fake chicken more cost and taste-competitive encouraging!
Although I assume that will also only take us so far (see the recent post by Jacob Peacock on this forum). In the end, we might just be stuck hoping that humans’ values vis-à-vis animals improve. Along with trying to guide them in that direction, regardless of how ineffective or at least hard to quantify moral advocacy might be.
Thanks so much for sharing the article from The Counter. It was a gripping read, although it didn’t tell me what I wanted to hear.
I really hope the technical challenges can be overcome. I would be super sad and discouraged if cell cultured meat didn’t start to take off within, say, the next 15 years.
I’m happy you found it insightful, despite the discouraging content.
I have no direct knowledge of the field, but if the analysis holds true, I assume takeoff within the next 15 years seems very unlikely.
That being said, maybe we can be more optimistic about progress in plant-based meat alternatives in that timeframe. I recently learned about Rebellyous Foods and found their (reported) progress on making fake chicken more cost and taste-competitive encouraging!
Although I assume that will also only take us so far (see the recent post by Jacob Peacock on this forum). In the end, we might just be stuck hoping that humans’ values vis-à-vis animals improve. Along with trying to guide them in that direction, regardless of how ineffective or at least hard to quantify moral advocacy might be.