Thanks for writing this up, and congrats on having preliminary promising signs!
I left a bunch of more minor comments in the CEA sheet (thanks for making that public).
Are there any interest groups on the other side of this issue? I suppose budget hawks and fiscal conservatives may try to shoot down any new funding plan, particularly given EU budgetary woes. But otherwise, it seems like a good issue in terms of not making powerful enemies (since the Pharma industry is onside).
Thanks for writing this up, and congrats on having preliminary promising signs!
I left a bunch of more minor comments in the CEA sheet (thanks for making that public).
Are there any interest groups on the other side of this issue? I suppose budget hawks and fiscal conservatives may try to shoot down any new funding plan, particularly given EU budgetary woes. But otherwise, it seems like a good issue in terms of not making powerful enemies (since the Pharma industry is onside).