[Question] Questions on “humane” farms


I recently read the book “The End of Animal Farming” by Jacy Reese and in the book there is a strong critique against “humane” farms that I personally did not find very convincing. I wanted to ask the opinion/​sources of others to several points made in the book:

  1. In “humane” farms animal still suffer ⇒ sure I guess it is not a perfect life but do the animals have, in their whole lives, negative net well being? or are their QALYs in life negative so that it is for them better not to be born?

  2. “Humane” farms are worse for the environment than than standard animal farms ⇒ that sounds true, because for example the animals by living longer, produce more methane, … My question here is if anybody has reliable numbers for the greenhouse gases from “humane” farms. It would be interesting to know how much worse they are and how are it would be to offset these emissions

  3. The author in the book also mentions that in “humane” farms the animals are more often sick (since they do not take antibiotics, …) and he mentions a case of a farm where many birds had cases of Marek’s and they were partially blind with swollen abdomens, … since only one case is depicted on the book I would like to know if this is a general thing in “humane” farms or the example in the book was an isolated case. Any source would be welcome :)