[Question] Is it hard for Chinese/​Taiwanese to find EA-aligned careers in America?

I’m Taiwanese, maybe I’ll have computer science and biology as my college major in Taiwan, and I’ll go to US for a Bioinformatics master. My goal for now is to build a career in biology (probably Bioinformatics) professor or biotech companies scientists(such as cultivated meat). But, due to the immigration policy(you can’t get H1B visa lottery if you’re unlucky.), culture gap(I’m not good at socialising), economic situations… I have heard even non-EA aligned career opportunities (like Silicon Valley) are hard to get. If you fail to find a job, you have to go back to Taiwan in 3 months. Moreover, you often need to send 10+ resumes to get a job, but most career opportunities aren’t that EA-aligned. So you’ll probably get the first job in non-EA aligned company.(It can build career capital though) Does it mean I need to wait for an EA-aligned career until I get a green card and save enough money?