Spanish-Speakers Meetup ft. Sandra Malagón

Please register here to attend in-person! Once registered, please check your email (with the title of this event) for more details.

¡Conoce a la comunidad del altruismo eficaz que habla español aquí en NY! Habrá una breve presentación en inglés a cargo de la invitada especial Sandra Malagón (Carreras con Impacto) y tiempo para conectarse y conocer a otras con comida.

Meet the Spanish-speaking community of Effective Altruism here in New York City! There will be a short presentation in English by special guest Sandra Malagón (Carreras con Impact) and time to connect and meet others over food.

Optional resources to check out:

Spanish-Speaking EA Community


Carreras con Impacto


Altruismo Eficaz




Please find all EA NYC event information—including our Code of Conduct, food policy, covid policy, and information on past and future events—here on our website: https://​​​​events

You can also find us on Facebook, Meetup, and Eventbrite!




For those new to effective altruism, here are a couple of good introductions. In short, EA is about using evidence to carefully analyze how, given limited resources, we can help others the *most*.


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