I’ve just stumbled across this and it seems like an incredible idea to me. Given the quantity of users potentially at the site, gas/electricity stick out to me as the most obvious commercial overheads to consider.
The best way that I believe we may be able to help with this would be to throw this over to our commercial gas/electricity broker and ask for special energy pricing for the site, on the basis that this is a charitable endeavour.
Please get in touch here: Forever Group. And no for the avoidance of any doubt before anyone panics we are not looking to charge you anything—just offer some help for this great project for free.
I’ve just stumbled across this and it seems like an incredible idea to me. Given the quantity of users potentially at the site, gas/electricity stick out to me as the most obvious commercial overheads to consider.
The best way that I believe we may be able to help with this would be to throw this over to our commercial gas/electricity broker and ask for special energy pricing for the site, on the basis that this is a charitable endeavour.
Please get in touch here: Forever Group. And no for the avoidance of any doubt before anyone panics we are not looking to charge you anything—just offer some help for this great project for free.