Occurred to me that this kind of has to assume that more than more than 50% will even own a VR headset by then, which seemed a bit bold, so I decided to check against smartphones ownership statistics. Yeah, smartphones have > 85% adoption. It’ll need to happen faster this time, but I expect it will.
But it doesn’t quite have to assume that, it could also happen as a result of VR tending to play host to a greater proportion of the world’s spoken conversation, per word, that the distribution of conversation will not be even over users and nonusers. Sad as that may be, it’s plausible. It is easier to find people to talk to, online, and the venues are often better.
Occurred to me that this kind of has to assume that more than more than 50% will even own a VR headset by then, which seemed a bit bold, so I decided to check against smartphones ownership statistics. Yeah, smartphones have > 85% adoption. It’ll need to happen faster this time, but I expect it will.
But it doesn’t quite have to assume that, it could also happen as a result of VR tending to play host to a greater proportion of the world’s spoken conversation, per word, that the distribution of conversation will not be even over users and nonusers. Sad as that may be, it’s plausible. It is easier to find people to talk to, online, and the venues are often better.