I agree that nobody is trying to evaluate my worth as a person with this admission, perhaps I should’ve phrased things more carefully. For what it’s worth I do think I’d be highly impactful at the conference, but my skillset is outside the scope of what I’m trying to get at in this post.
No matter how many carefully crafted rebuttals and distinctions people make, the fact remains that I have spent years of my life working to improve my impact, and then have not gotten accepted into a conference that’s focused on people with high impact.
I do appreciate you and Lizka trying to soften the blow, but I want to emphasize that it’s a blow nonetheless. Even if I take what you both are saying as a given (that it’s a judgment on my usefulness and not me as a person) the rejection is still difficult to handle. It’s basically saying that my skillset, career, work I’ve done, etc, is not important or impactful enough to make a difference at EAG.
All that being said, it’s a whole different ballgame discussing this coldly and rationally, versus being in the seat and dealing with the emotions. I applaud you for being able to fully separate the rejection from your own worth, but that’s not realistic for me and I would guess for most people it isn’t realistic either.
I agree that nobody is trying to evaluate my worth as a person with this admission, perhaps I should’ve phrased things more carefully. For what it’s worth I do think I’d be highly impactful at the conference, but my skillset is outside the scope of what I’m trying to get at in this post.
No matter how many carefully crafted rebuttals and distinctions people make, the fact remains that I have spent years of my life working to improve my impact, and then have not gotten accepted into a conference that’s focused on people with high impact.
I do appreciate you and Lizka trying to soften the blow, but I want to emphasize that it’s a blow nonetheless. Even if I take what you both are saying as a given (that it’s a judgment on my usefulness and not me as a person) the rejection is still difficult to handle. It’s basically saying that my skillset, career, work I’ve done, etc, is not important or impactful enough to make a difference at EAG.
All that being said, it’s a whole different ballgame discussing this coldly and rationally, versus being in the seat and dealing with the emotions. I applaud you for being able to fully separate the rejection from your own worth, but that’s not realistic for me and I would guess for most people it isn’t realistic either.
100%. Thinking “rationally” about whether you should or shouldn’t be hurt by something doesn’t make you less hurt by it.