Interesting, and thanks, Denise for a different take. When I read Ozzie’s comment, I thought he meant that the people leaping to Robin’s defense should consider that they might be over-emotion, chill out a bit, and practice their rationality skills. Which, I would agree with. I don’t think there’s *no* concern that reasonable people could have here. I can think of several concerns, some of which have been pointed out in the comments on this post. But I think people who are freaked out by this one decision seem just as likely to be reacting with the kind of knee-jerk fear, tribalism, confirmation bias, and slippery slope thinking that they’d be quick to criticize in others. This is human, but honestly, it’s disappointing. I’m appreciating the more measured responses on this post, though there’s still some catastrophizing that seems kind of tiresome. There’s so much of that going around in the world, I’d like to see EAs or rationalists handle it better.
Interesting, and thanks, Denise for a different take. When I read Ozzie’s comment, I thought he meant that the people leaping to Robin’s defense should consider that they might be over-emotion, chill out a bit, and practice their rationality skills. Which, I would agree with. I don’t think there’s *no* concern that reasonable people could have here. I can think of several concerns, some of which have been pointed out in the comments on this post. But I think people who are freaked out by this one decision seem just as likely to be reacting with the kind of knee-jerk fear, tribalism, confirmation bias, and slippery slope thinking that they’d be quick to criticize in others. This is human, but honestly, it’s disappointing. I’m appreciating the more measured responses on this post, though there’s still some catastrophizing that seems kind of tiresome. There’s so much of that going around in the world, I’d like to see EAs or rationalists handle it better.