I’ve been looking for a write-up like this for a long time. And thanks for formatting it so well (sections, subsections, effect sizes, hyperlinks, 250+ references).
It’s a bit depressing that so many of the effect sizes for interventions with a strong base of evidence are relatively small. I guess there’s part of me that wants a silver bullet, but I know well enough that no such thing exists — at least not broadly across the population. Nonetheless, I’m guessing people could get a lot out of experimenting with and implementing many of these.
Wow. This is great.
I’ve been looking for a write-up like this for a long time. And thanks for formatting it so well (sections, subsections, effect sizes, hyperlinks, 250+ references).
It’s a bit depressing that so many of the effect sizes for interventions with a strong base of evidence are relatively small. I guess there’s part of me that wants a silver bullet, but I know well enough that no such thing exists — at least not broadly across the population. Nonetheless, I’m guessing people could get a lot out of experimenting with and implementing many of these.
I’m looking forward to digging more into this!