If the funding for a problem with known total funding needs (e.g. creating drug x which costs $1b) goes up 10x, its solvability will go up 10x too—how do you resolve that this will make problems with low funding look very intractable? I guess the high neglectedness makes up for it. But this definition of solvability doesn’t quite capture my intuition.
Don’t the shifts in solvability and neglectedness perfectly offset one another in such a case? Can you write out the case you’re considering in more detail?
If the funding for a problem with known total funding needs (e.g. creating drug x which costs $1b) goes up 10x, its solvability will go up 10x too—how do you resolve that this will make problems with low funding look very intractable? I guess the high neglectedness makes up for it. But this definition of solvability doesn’t quite capture my intuition.
Don’t the shifts in solvability and neglectedness perfectly offset one another in such a case? Can you write out the case you’re considering in more detail?