Aside from the valid concerns about data security, I strongly endorse this if only because I am happier without most social media and I know a non-negligible, perhaps growing, subset of people feel similarly.
I’ve disliked having to maintain a facebook account as a barrier to entry to talking to people I care about, and using a messaging app made strictly for messaging feels like a useful change.
That does not feel like a sufficient condition to endorse this when other more mainstream messaging apps like WhatsApp exist. The concerns about data security seem necessary to justify Signal over more popular apps.
Agreed — my comment is a point in favor of moving from messenger to “a messaging app made strictly for messaging.” That could be Signal or Whatsapp, or something else entirely.
Aside from the valid concerns about data security, I strongly endorse this if only because I am happier without most social media and I know a non-negligible, perhaps growing, subset of people feel similarly.
I’ve disliked having to maintain a facebook account as a barrier to entry to talking to people I care about, and using a messaging app made strictly for messaging feels like a useful change.
Agreed, although it’s possible to use Messenger with a deactivated Facebook account, which seems to solve this issue.
Oh wow, this is really good to know. Thank you!
This is what I do when I need to use Facebook Messenger!
That does not feel like a sufficient condition to endorse this when other more mainstream messaging apps like WhatsApp exist. The concerns about data security seem necessary to justify Signal over more popular apps.
Agreed — my comment is a point in favor of moving from messenger to “a messaging app made strictly for messaging.” That could be Signal or Whatsapp, or something else entirely.