I am planning on checking in with grantees to see how well they’ve done, mostly so that I can learn more about grantmaking and to know if we ought to renew funding.
I normally didn’t make specific forecasts about the outcomes of grants, because operationalization is hard and scary.
I feel vaguely guilty about not trying harder to write down these proxies ahead of time. But I empirically don’t, and my intuitions apparently don’t feel that optimistic about working on this. I am not sure why. I think it’s maybe just that operationationalization is super hard and I feel like I’m going to have to spend more effort figuring out reasonable proxies than actually thinking about the question of whether this grant will be good, and so I feel drawn to a more “I’ll know it when I see it” approach to evaluating my past grants.
I am planning on checking in with grantees to see how well they’ve done, mostly so that I can learn more about grantmaking and to know if we ought to renew funding.
I normally didn’t make specific forecasts about the outcomes of grants, because operationalization is hard and scary.
I feel vaguely guilty about not trying harder to write down these proxies ahead of time. But I empirically don’t, and my intuitions apparently don’t feel that optimistic about working on this. I am not sure why. I think it’s maybe just that operationationalization is super hard and I feel like I’m going to have to spend more effort figuring out reasonable proxies than actually thinking about the question of whether this grant will be good, and so I feel drawn to a more “I’ll know it when I see it” approach to evaluating my past grants.