Artificial intelligence, values and reflective processes
As humanity inevitably evolves into coexistence with AI – the adage “if a man will not work, he shall not eat” needs to be redefined. Apart from AI’s early displacement effects already apparent (cue autonomous driving/trucking industry etc), humanity’s productivity function will continue rising due to the intrinsic nature of AI (consider 3D printing normal/lux goods at economies of scale), so much so that even plentitude becomes a potential problem. (In the usual then followed citation of ‘what about the African kids’ – kindly note this is a separate distribution problem) Ultimately – we should be contributing towards smoothing the AI transition curve and managing initial displacement by AI followed by proactively managing integration.
Redefine humanity & assisting its transition
Artificial intelligence, values and reflective processes
As humanity inevitably evolves into coexistence with AI – the adage “if a man will not work, he shall not eat” needs to be redefined. Apart from AI’s early displacement effects already apparent (cue autonomous driving/trucking industry etc), humanity’s productivity function will continue rising due to the intrinsic nature of AI (consider 3D printing normal/lux goods at economies of scale), so much so that even plentitude becomes a potential problem. (In the usual then followed citation of ‘what about the African kids’ – kindly note this is a separate distribution problem) Ultimately – we should be contributing towards smoothing the AI transition curve and managing initial displacement by AI followed by proactively managing integration.