Space Governance, Artificial Intelligence, Epistemic Institutions, Values and Reflective Processes, Great Power Relations, Research That Can Help Us Improve
In order to govern space well, one needs to understand its preferences and objectives: for example, that of dark energy and dark matter. These can be then weighted by an AI approved under the veil of ignorance by all entities, and solutions that maximize the weighted sum, while centralizing wellbeing and systemic stability, selected, and supported by any space governing AI-assisted system. This is based on sound processes to develop values and can improve relations among great powers in the universe. These insights can inform the Fund’s grantmaking strategy across multiple fields.
Space’s preferences and objectives research
Space Governance, Artificial Intelligence, Epistemic Institutions, Values and Reflective Processes, Great Power Relations, Research That Can Help Us Improve
In order to govern space well, one needs to understand its preferences and objectives: for example, that of dark energy and dark matter. These can be then weighted by an AI approved under the veil of ignorance by all entities, and solutions that maximize the weighted sum, while centralizing wellbeing and systemic stability, selected, and supported by any space governing AI-assisted system. This is based on sound processes to develop values and can improve relations among great powers in the universe. These insights can inform the Fund’s grantmaking strategy across multiple fields.