This is a reputational loss risk of an actor in the broader EA community seeking to influence the scientific discourse by economic/peer unreviewed means? There are repositories, such as of the Legal Priorities Project, of papers, that are cool and the EA community pays attention to aggregate narratives to keep some of its terms rather exclusive and convincing. If you mean coordinating research, to learn from the scientific community, then it can make sense to read papers and corresponding with academics. Maybe on the EA Forum or so. No need to buy a journal.
This is a reputational loss risk of an actor in the broader EA community seeking to influence the scientific discourse by economic/peer unreviewed means? There are repositories, such as of the Legal Priorities Project, of papers, that are cool and the EA community pays attention to aggregate narratives to keep some of its terms rather exclusive and convincing. If you mean coordinating research, to learn from the scientific community, then it can make sense to read papers and corresponding with academics. Maybe on the EA Forum or so. No need to buy a journal.