There are many list of opportunities available in EA/AI Safety and many lists of what organisations exist. Unfortunately these lists tend to get outdated. It would be extremely valuable to have a single list that is up to date and filterable according to various criteria. This would require someone being paid to maintain these part-time.
Another opportunity for centralisation would be to create an EA link shortener with pretty URLs. So for example, you’d be able to type in to see information on careers or to jump to the forum.
Notes: I own the URL so I’d be able to donate it.
Centralising Information on EA/AI Safety
Effective Altruism, AI Safety
There are many list of opportunities available in EA/AI Safety and many lists of what organisations exist. Unfortunately these lists tend to get outdated. It would be extremely valuable to have a single list that is up to date and filterable according to various criteria. This would require someone being paid to maintain these part-time.
Another opportunity for centralisation would be to create an EA link shortener with pretty URLs. So for example, you’d be able to type in to see information on careers or to jump to the forum.
Notes: I own the URL so I’d be able to donate it.