Burying caches of basic machinery needed to rebuild civilisation from scratch
Recovery from Catastophe
Should the worst happen, and a global catastrophe happens, we want to be able to help survivors rebuild civilisation as quickly and efficiently as possible. To this end, burying caches of machinery that can be used to bootstrap development is a useful part of a civilisation recovery toolkit. Such a cache could be in the form of a shipping container filled with heavy machines of open source design, such as a wind turbine, an engine, a tractor with back hoe, an oven, basic computers and CNC fabricators, etc. Written instructions would also be included of course! Along with a selection of usefulbooks. First we aim to put together a prototype of such a cache and test it in various locations with people of various skill levels, to see how well they fare at “rebuilding” in simulated catastrophe scenarios. Learning from this, we will iterate the design until at least 10% of simulations are successful (to what is judged to be a reasonable level). We ultimately aim to bury 10,000 such caches at strategic locations around the world. Some will be in well known locations (for the case of sudden catastrophe); some hidden with their location to be automatically broadcast should a catastrophe be imminent (to protect them from vandals and malevolent actors); and some hidden with some level of “treasure hunt” required to find them (to provide longer term viability should first attempts to rebuild fail).
Burying caches of basic machinery needed to rebuild civilisation from scratch
Recovery from Catastophe
Should the worst happen, and a global catastrophe happens, we want to be able to help survivors rebuild civilisation as quickly and efficiently as possible. To this end, burying caches of machinery that can be used to bootstrap development is a useful part of a civilisation recovery toolkit. Such a cache could be in the form of a shipping container filled with heavy machines of open source design, such as a wind turbine, an engine, a tractor with back hoe, an oven, basic computers and CNC fabricators, etc. Written instructions would also be included of course! Along with a selection of useful books. First we aim to put together a prototype of such a cache and test it in various locations with people of various skill levels, to see how well they fare at “rebuilding” in simulated catastrophe scenarios. Learning from this, we will iterate the design until at least 10% of simulations are successful (to what is judged to be a reasonable level). We ultimately aim to bury 10,000 such caches at strategic locations around the world. Some will be in well known locations (for the case of sudden catastrophe); some hidden with their location to be automatically broadcast should a catastrophe be imminent (to protect them from vandals and malevolent actors); and some hidden with some level of “treasure hunt” required to find them (to provide longer term viability should first attempts to rebuild fail).
(I’ve edited the last part re locations after some feedback in this post (worth a read!))