I swear I’m not usually the one to call for numbers, but I’m compelled to in this case, because one of the common feelings I have reading this claim and claims like it is wanting to know: quantitatively what sort of difference did you make? I don’t expect anything beyond really rough numbers, but let me give you an example of something I’d love to read here:
“The 21-22 California budget is 262.5 billion dollars. The organization I work in takes precedence over X billion dollars. My role covers Y% of that budget, and I expect that had another non-EA aligned person been in my role the allocation would have been Z% less effective.”
If you had to guess, what do you think your X, Y and Z are? I know Z is tricky too, but if you explain your rough reasoning, I think that’d help. I also know you mention many things that would be hard to directly quantify (changing minds towards being more data oriented in a meeting) but I think you can roughly quantify this by determining what percentage of X became more effective over the course of your influence and what W% were you responsible for of that.
I swear I’m not usually the one to call for numbers, but I’m compelled to in this case, because one of the common feelings I have reading this claim and claims like it is wanting to know: quantitatively what sort of difference did you make? I don’t expect anything beyond really rough numbers, but let me give you an example of something I’d love to read here:
“The 21-22 California budget is 262.5 billion dollars. The organization I work in takes precedence over X billion dollars. My role covers Y% of that budget, and I expect that had another non-EA aligned person been in my role the allocation would have been Z% less effective.”
If you had to guess, what do you think your X, Y and Z are? I know Z is tricky too, but if you explain your rough reasoning, I think that’d help. I also know you mention many things that would be hard to directly quantify (changing minds towards being more data oriented in a meeting) but I think you can roughly quantify this by determining what percentage of X became more effective over the course of your influence and what W% were you responsible for of that.