EA is not based in Utilitarianism. Stop saying it is.

A lot was already said already about the FTX scandal and how fraud is unacceptable in the service of EA causes , and critique was thrown around about how perhaps utilitarian arguments drove SBF to pursue these alleged actions. EA is even getting blamed for this on the media (The Guardian).

While I can’t read SBF’s mind, and can’t say whether he justified fraud to himself on utilitarian grounds, I do find it quite curious that EA is so strongly associated with Utilitarianism, both from the outside and within the community.

Because the truth is, EA was never about maximizing a utility function. It’s not about killing 1 person to save 5. It’s about saving the 5. and 50, and 500 more. And you don’t need to be a utilitarian to know that saving 500 people is a good thing to do.

Most people aren’t utilitarian. But most people do think we are not doing nearly enough to reduce X-Risk, for us and for future generations. Most people aren’t utilitarian, but they believe that if our current methods for doing good aren’t working we should change them.

Scope insensitivity is a bias, not a moral philosophy. Tell most people about it and they will tell you there is something to it. Likewise, EA is not about maximizing a utility function, but rather being aware of scope insensitivity and other biases, and to make sure that when we do good, we do it well.