Hi Steven, thanks for what I consider a very good post. I was extremely frustrated with this debate for many of the reasons you articulate. I felt that the affirmative side really failed to concretely articulate the x-risk concerns in a way that was clear and intuitive to the audience (people we need good clear scenarios of how exactly step by step this happens!). Despite years (decades!) of good research and debate on this (including in the present Forum) the words coming out of x-risk proponents mouths still seem to be ‘exponential curve, panic panic, [waves hands] boom!’ Yudkowsky is particularly prone to this, and unfortunately this style doesn’t land effectively and may even harmfully shift the overton window. Both Bengio and Tegmark tried to avoid this, but the result was a vague and watered down version of arguments (or omission of key arguments).
On the negative side Melanie seemed either (a) uninformed of the key arguments (she just needs to listen to one of Yampolskiy’s recent podcast interviews to get a good accessible summary). Or (b) refused to engage with such arguments. I think (like a similar recent panel discussion on the lab leak theory of Covid-19) this is a case of very defensive scientists feeling threatened by regulation, but then responding with a very naive and arrogant attack. No, science doesn’t get to decide policy. Communities do, whether rightly or wrongly. Both sides need to work on clear messages, because this debate was an unhelpful mess. The debate format possibly didn’t help because it set up an adversarial process, whereas there is actually common ground. Yes, there are important near term risks of AI, yes if left unchecked such processes could escalate (at some point) to existential risk.
There is a general communication failure here. More use needs to be made of scenarios and consequences. Nuclear weapons (nuclear weapons research) are not necessarily an ‘existential risk’ but a resulting nuclear winter, crop failures, famine, disease, and ongoing conflict could be. In a similar way ‘AI research’ is not necessarily the existential risk, but there are many plausible cascades of events stemming from AI as a risk factor and its interaction with other risks. These are the middle ground stories that need to be richly told, these will sway decision makers, not ‘Foom!’
we need good clear scenarios of how exactly step by step this happens
Hmm, depending on what you mean by “this”, I think there are some tricky communication issues that come up here, see for example this Rob Miles video.
On top of that, obviously this kind of debate format is generally terrible for communicating anything of substance and nuance.
Melanie seemed either (a) uninformed of the key arguments (she just needs to listen to one of Yampolskiy’s recent podcast interviews to get a good accessible summary). Or (b) refused to engage with such arguments.
Melanie is definitely aware of things like orthogonality thesis etc.—you can read her Quanta Magazine article for example. Here’s a twitter thread where I was talking with her about it.
Hmm, depending on what you mean by “this”, I think there are some tricky communication issues that come up here, see for example this Rob Miles video.
The objection here seems to be that if you present a specific takeover scenario, people will point out flaws in it.
But what exactly is the alternative here? Just state on faith that “the AI will find a way because it’s really smart?” Do you have any idea how unconvincing that sounds?
Are we talking about in the debate, or in long-form good-faith discussion?
For the latter, it’s obviously worth talking about, and I talk about it myself plenty. Holden’s post AI Could Defeat All Of Us Combined is pretty good, and the new lunar society podcast interview of Carl Shulman is extremely good on this topic (the relevant part is mostly the second episode [it was such a long interview they split it into 2 parts]).
For the former, i.e. in the context of a debate, the point is not to hash out particular details and intervention points, but rather just to argue that this is a thing worth consideration at all. And in that case, I usually say something like:
The path we’re heading down is to eventually make AIs that are like a new intelligent species on our planet, and able to do everything that humans can do—understand what’s going on, creatively solve problems, take initiative, get stuff done, make plans, pivot when the plans fail, invent new tools to solve their problems, etc.—but with various advantages over humans like speed and the ability to copy themselves.
Nobody currently has a great plan to figure out whether such AIs have our best interests at heart. We can ask the AI, but it will probably just say “yes”, and we won’t know if it’s lying.
The path we’re heading down is to eventually wind up with billions or trillions of such AIs, with billions or trillions of robot bodies spread all around the world.
It seems pretty obvious to me that by the time we get to that point—and indeed probably much much earlier—human extinction should be at least on the table as a possibility.
I remember looking at some farmland out the window of a bus, and wondering: am I supposed to think that this will all be compute clusters or something? I remember looking at a church and thinking: am I supposed to imagine robots tearing this church apart? I remember a late night at the Future of Humanity Institute office (I ended up working there in 2017-18), asking someone passing through the kitchen how to imagine the AI killing us; he turned to me, pale in the fluorescent light, and said “whirling knives.”
Yeah, I think your version of the argument is the most convincing flavour. I am personally unconvinced by it in the context of x-risk (I don’t think we can get to billions of AI’s without making AI at least x-risk safe), but the good thing is that it works equally well as an argument for AI catastrophic risk. I don’t think this is the case for arguments based on sudden nanomachine factories or whatever, where someone who realizes that the scenario is flimsy and extremely unlikely might just dismiss AI safety altogether.
I don’t think the public cares that much about the difference between an AI killing 100% of humanity and an AI killing 50% of humanity, or even 1%, 0.1%. Consider the extreme lengths governments have gone through to prevent terrorist attacks that claimed at most a few thousand lives.
100% agree regarding catastrophe risk. This is where I think advocacy resources should be focused. Governments and people care about catastrophe as you say, even 1% would be an immense tragedy. And if we spell out how exactly (one or three or ten examples) of how AI development leads to a 1% catastrophe then this can be the impetus for serious institution-building, global cooperation, regulations, research funding, public discussion of AI risk. And packaged within all that activity can be resources for x-risk work. Focusing on x-risk alienates too many people, and focusing on risks like bias and injustice leaves too much tail risk out. There’s so much middle ground here. The extreme near/long term division on this debate has really surprised me. As someone noted with climate, in 1990 we could care about present day particulate pollution killing many people, AND care about 1.5C scenarios, AND care about 6C scenarios, all at once, it’s not mutually exclusive. (noted that the topic of the debate was ‘extinction risk’ so perhaps the topic wasn’t ideal for actually getting agreement on action).
Hi Steven, thanks for what I consider a very good post. I was extremely frustrated with this debate for many of the reasons you articulate. I felt that the affirmative side really failed to concretely articulate the x-risk concerns in a way that was clear and intuitive to the audience (people we need good clear scenarios of how exactly step by step this happens!). Despite years (decades!) of good research and debate on this (including in the present Forum) the words coming out of x-risk proponents mouths still seem to be ‘exponential curve, panic panic, [waves hands] boom!’ Yudkowsky is particularly prone to this, and unfortunately this style doesn’t land effectively and may even harmfully shift the overton window. Both Bengio and Tegmark tried to avoid this, but the result was a vague and watered down version of arguments (or omission of key arguments).
On the negative side Melanie seemed either (a) uninformed of the key arguments (she just needs to listen to one of Yampolskiy’s recent podcast interviews to get a good accessible summary). Or (b) refused to engage with such arguments. I think (like a similar recent panel discussion on the lab leak theory of Covid-19) this is a case of very defensive scientists feeling threatened by regulation, but then responding with a very naive and arrogant attack. No, science doesn’t get to decide policy. Communities do, whether rightly or wrongly. Both sides need to work on clear messages, because this debate was an unhelpful mess. The debate format possibly didn’t help because it set up an adversarial process, whereas there is actually common ground. Yes, there are important near term risks of AI, yes if left unchecked such processes could escalate (at some point) to existential risk.
There is a general communication failure here. More use needs to be made of scenarios and consequences. Nuclear weapons (nuclear weapons research) are not necessarily an ‘existential risk’ but a resulting nuclear winter, crop failures, famine, disease, and ongoing conflict could be. In a similar way ‘AI research’ is not necessarily the existential risk, but there are many plausible cascades of events stemming from AI as a risk factor and its interaction with other risks. These are the middle ground stories that need to be richly told, these will sway decision makers, not ‘Foom!’
Hmm, depending on what you mean by “this”, I think there are some tricky communication issues that come up here, see for example this Rob Miles video.
On top of that, obviously this kind of debate format is generally terrible for communicating anything of substance and nuance.
Melanie is definitely aware of things like orthogonality thesis etc.—you can read her Quanta Magazine article for example. Here’s a twitter thread where I was talking with her about it.
The objection here seems to be that if you present a specific takeover scenario, people will point out flaws in it.
But what exactly is the alternative here? Just state on faith that “the AI will find a way because it’s really smart?” Do you have any idea how unconvincing that sounds?
Are we talking about in the debate, or in long-form good-faith discussion?
For the latter, it’s obviously worth talking about, and I talk about it myself plenty. Holden’s post AI Could Defeat All Of Us Combined is pretty good, and the new lunar society podcast interview of Carl Shulman is extremely good on this topic (the relevant part is mostly the second episode [it was such a long interview they split it into 2 parts]).
For the former, i.e. in the context of a debate, the point is not to hash out particular details and intervention points, but rather just to argue that this is a thing worth consideration at all. And in that case, I usually say something like:
The path we’re heading down is to eventually make AIs that are like a new intelligent species on our planet, and able to do everything that humans can do—understand what’s going on, creatively solve problems, take initiative, get stuff done, make plans, pivot when the plans fail, invent new tools to solve their problems, etc.—but with various advantages over humans like speed and the ability to copy themselves.
Nobody currently has a great plan to figure out whether such AIs have our best interests at heart. We can ask the AI, but it will probably just say “yes”, and we won’t know if it’s lying.
The path we’re heading down is to eventually wind up with billions or trillions of such AIs, with billions or trillions of robot bodies spread all around the world.
It seems pretty obvious to me that by the time we get to that point—and indeed probably much much earlier—human extinction should be at least on the table as a possibility.
Oh I also just have to share this hilarious quote from Joe Carlsmith:
Yeah, I think your version of the argument is the most convincing flavour. I am personally unconvinced by it in the context of x-risk (I don’t think we can get to billions of AI’s without making AI at least x-risk safe), but the good thing is that it works equally well as an argument for AI catastrophic risk. I don’t think this is the case for arguments based on sudden nanomachine factories or whatever, where someone who realizes that the scenario is flimsy and extremely unlikely might just dismiss AI safety altogether.
I don’t think the public cares that much about the difference between an AI killing 100% of humanity and an AI killing 50% of humanity, or even 1%, 0.1%. Consider the extreme lengths governments have gone through to prevent terrorist attacks that claimed at most a few thousand lives.
100% agree regarding catastrophe risk. This is where I think advocacy resources should be focused. Governments and people care about catastrophe as you say, even 1% would be an immense tragedy. And if we spell out how exactly (one or three or ten examples) of how AI development leads to a 1% catastrophe then this can be the impetus for serious institution-building, global cooperation, regulations, research funding, public discussion of AI risk. And packaged within all that activity can be resources for x-risk work. Focusing on x-risk alienates too many people, and focusing on risks like bias and injustice leaves too much tail risk out. There’s so much middle ground here. The extreme near/long term division on this debate has really surprised me. As someone noted with climate, in 1990 we could care about present day particulate pollution killing many people, AND care about 1.5C scenarios, AND care about 6C scenarios, all at once, it’s not mutually exclusive. (noted that the topic of the debate was ‘extinction risk’ so perhaps the topic wasn’t ideal for actually getting agreement on action).