Leverage the Power of International Women’s Day (March 8)
There is a ton of attention on this day every year.
Many are even interested to DO something positive for women… however, as usual, they don’t typically have an easy answer of what TO do… leading them to do nothing / meaningless / counterproductive actions.
Fistula Foundation is an easy, pull-at-the-heartstrings, sell. What they do is straightforward: they provide surgeries which CURE women of their incontinence (leaking urine/feces) due to childbirth injuries, caused by a lack of healthcare, (notably, C-sections). These surgeries cost only $598. And Fistula Foundation has provided over 60,000 surgeries since 2009.
Fistula Foundation empowers women “in the worst places on earth to be a woman.” And they do so with extreme effectiveness. They also don’t simply send in their own surgeons. They empower the healthcare networks already on the ground, to achieve their missions.
Is there power to leverage IWD for Fistula Foundation?
Are these types of straightforward, pull-at-the-heartstrings, charities and stories, an ideal “gateway drug” for newbies, into effective giving, and even into EA in general?
(Compare Fistula Foundation to GiveWell’s 1st listed charity: Malaria Consortium—which gives chemo drugs to masses of children; and not in order to save any specific one of them, but some small percentage of them overall, in the long run. So many questions come up; my heart-strings are not engaged; and it’s a hard sell even for me, a long-time EA… I can’t imagine walking up to someone on the street and trying to get them to donate to this. However, I have approached strangers about Fistula Foundation with great success and $$.)
Power of Int’l Women’s Day (March 8)
Leverage the Power of International Women’s Day (March 8)
There is a ton of attention on this day every year.
Many are even interested to DO something positive for women… however, as usual, they don’t typically have an easy answer of what TO do… leading them to do nothing / meaningless / counterproductive actions.
Enter Fistula Foundation… featured on TheLifeYouCanSave’s exclusive top charity list… looked into by GiveWell as a potential for their even more exclusive list, though NOT making this cut, at least for now (“We think that Fistula Foundation may be in the range of cost-effectiveness of our current top charities. However, this estimate is highly uncertain”)… and getting the highest marks from all other third parties that everyone is familiar with.
Fistula Foundation is an easy, pull-at-the-heartstrings, sell. What they do is straightforward: they provide surgeries which CURE women of their incontinence (leaking urine/feces) due to childbirth injuries, caused by a lack of healthcare, (notably, C-sections). These surgeries cost only $598. And Fistula Foundation has provided over 60,000 surgeries since 2009.
Fistula Foundation empowers women “in the worst places on earth to be a woman.” And they do so with extreme effectiveness. They also don’t simply send in their own surgeons. They empower the healthcare networks already on the ground, to achieve their missions.
FYI here is my personal fundraising page for this year, as a sample, and of course for you to donate to or share, if you felt inclined. I am personally matching donations, as it states. https://www.facebook.com/donate/269554591999582/2376652995831434/
What do you think?
Is there power to leverage IWD for Fistula Foundation?
Are these types of straightforward, pull-at-the-heartstrings, charities and stories, an ideal “gateway drug” for newbies, into effective giving, and even into EA in general?
(Compare Fistula Foundation to GiveWell’s 1st listed charity: Malaria Consortium—which gives chemo drugs to masses of children; and not in order to save any specific one of them, but some small percentage of them overall, in the long run. So many questions come up; my heart-strings are not engaged; and it’s a hard sell even for me, a long-time EA… I can’t imagine walking up to someone on the street and trying to get them to donate to this. However, I have approached strangers about Fistula Foundation with great success and $$.)