Thank you for your insights Matthew, that all makes a lot of sense and helps me understand.
I wonder if there is an income bracket low enough in the US, where UBI focused just for that group, would have net positive impact. (This study was $29,900 average household income for the participants.) Or, if there is going to be a net negative for UBI in the US just no matter… even before getting detailed about potential counter-factual scenarios.
Funny that UBI seems to do better than more targeted approaches, in low-income countries… but in high-income countries, even for the poorest within those countries, more targeted approaches may be the better option.
oh wow great find. I did not see that in searching the forum for it, as I figured the poster would include the title of the study in the text. - thank you !! happy to see someone else confirming that this is a potentially significant study, at least in UBI world.