Effective Altruism Introduction Night 1 - Thu 17.10

Greetings, Amazing Human Beings,

What is Effective Altruism?

Effective Altruism is a young social movement and intellectual project centered on the question: How can we use our limited resources to make the greatest possible positive difference in the world?

How can you learn more about positively impacting the world?

Join us for our Introduction Event.

Make new Friends.

Eat tasty, free Pizza.

Event Details:

- When: Thu 17.10 19 00

- Where: Teamwork, Müllerstraße 35, 80469 München: https://​​maps.app.goo.gl/​​ZbtdGSGMZkvW1qC6A

- Sign Up Here: https://​​forms.gle/​​XBPYwzSK4RytjxrF6

What can you expect?

We will have a short presentation about Effective Altruism.

What & who we are.

How you can get involved.

Then, we will have free vegan pizza.

And a lovely evening where you can talk with and meet like-minded individuals.

We’re looking forward to meeting you,


PS: If you can’t make it this time, check out our second Intro Event on Tue 05.11: https://​​forum.effectivealtruism.org/​​events/​​kxbDyPTjtbfx2qqRP/​​effective-altruism-introduction-night-event-2-tue-05-11

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