Thanks for this post! To add one thought that keeps bugging me: I believe joining an EA org on average lowers career capital by a medium to large extent in comparison to alternative plausible careers.
many jobs are less specifically relevant for the continuous development of industry-job market cash-cow skills (or whatever one wants to call that).
joining an EA-org feels rather awkward to explain to the majority of employers with a feeling that most are not particularly moved towards “PRO-employ” by the explanation one will give.
If true, this has some severe implications which IMO are not discussed prominently enough (both in the struggle for attracting talent and in the discussion on leadership’s abilities which this post adresses, see e.g. lock-in effects and biases).
In my personal career decisions, this suspicion has had a large multiplier effect on the uncertainties I am struggling with (say, the good-ness of E2G (I believe the community under-estimates), EA (..), how much to invest into career capital vs. when to start cashing in).
Thanks for this post! To add one thought that keeps bugging me: I believe joining an EA org on average lowers career capital by a medium to large extent in comparison to alternative plausible careers.
many jobs are less specifically relevant for the continuous development of industry-job market cash-cow skills (or whatever one wants to call that).
joining an EA-org feels rather awkward to explain to the majority of employers with a feeling that most are not particularly moved towards “PRO-employ” by the explanation one will give.
If true, this has some severe implications which IMO are not discussed prominently enough (both in the struggle for attracting talent and in the discussion on leadership’s abilities which this post adresses, see e.g. lock-in effects and biases).
In my personal career decisions, this suspicion has had a large multiplier effect on the uncertainties I am struggling with (say, the good-ness of E2G (I believe the community under-estimates), EA (..), how much to invest into career capital vs. when to start cashing in).