EA Book Club Discussion: The Good It Promises, The Harm it Does

This month we’ll be reading “The Good it Promises, The Harm it Does”, a collection of essays critiquing Effective Altruism.

We can reimburse if you’d like a physical copy. Please note though that currently, the shipping date for the physical copy is end of February. To get reimbursed request payment from @Vincent-Mak via Venmo, Thanks Vincent for getting that all set up! See the Facebook event for more info.

From the blurb:
”The Good It Promises, the Harm It Does is the first edited volume to critically engage with Effective Altruism (EA). It brings together writers from diverse activist and scholarly backgrounds to explore a variety of unique grassroots movements and community organizing efforts. By drawing attention to these responses and to particular cases of human and animal harms, this book represents a powerful call to attend to different voices and projects and to elevate activist traditions that EA lacks the resources to assess and threatens to squelch. The contributors reveal the weakness inherent within the ready-made, top-down solutions that EA offers in response to many global problems-and offers in their place substantial descriptions of more meaningful and just social engagement.”

The location will be at “Summit Selvage” which is located at the address in the event.