I included the “I think there’s a very large chance they don’t matter at all, and that there’s just no one inside to suffer” out of transparency. The post doesn’t depend on it at all
I don’t see how that can be true. Surely the weightings you give would be radically different if you thought there was “someone inside to suffer”?
I don’t see how that can be true. Surely the weightings you give would be radically different if you thought there was “someone inside to suffer”?
The post doesn’t depend on it, because the post is all conditional on animals mattering a nonzero amount (“to be safe I’ll assume they do [matter]”).
If he thinks there’s no one inside to suffer, then it’s worth sacrificing an infinite number of chickens for the convenience of one person.
These numbers are presumably based on the idea that chickens are their own, independent, semi-conscious beings.