Comments on any issue are generally welcome but naturally you should try to focus on major issues rather than minor ones. If you post a long line of arguments about education policy for instance, I might not get around to reading and fact-checking the whole thing, because the model only gives a very small weight to education policy right now (0.01) so it won’t make a big difference either way. But if you say something about immigration, no matter how nuanced, I will pay close attention because it has a very high weight right now (2).
I think this begs the question.
If modeler attention is distributed proportional to the model’s current weighting (such that discussion of high-weighted issues receive more attention than discussion of low-weighted issues), it’ll be hard to identify mistakes in the current weighting.
Yes, and I will pay attention to everything anyway unless this thread gets super unwieldy. I am mainly suggesting that people focus on the things that will make the biggest difference.
I think this begs the question.
If modeler attention is distributed proportional to the model’s current weighting (such that discussion of high-weighted issues receive more attention than discussion of low-weighted issues), it’ll be hard to identify mistakes in the current weighting.
Presumably if the argument is for why the weight should be higher, then kbog will pay attention?
Yes, and I will pay attention to everything anyway unless this thread gets super unwieldy. I am mainly suggesting that people focus on the things that will make the biggest difference.