Thanks for sharing, I like how concrete all of this is and think it’s generally a really important practice.
One “hack” that came to mind that I think helped me feeling more relaxed about the prospect of even pretty harsh criticism: Think of some worst cases already in advance. Like when you do a project/plan your life, consider the hypotheses that e.g.
you should not do this in theory good project because you are the wrong person for it, e.g. due to you not being [insert relevant features/skills] enough (yet!)
the project you plan working on will actually make things worse for various potential reasons
the career you invested your energy into is far from the best you could be pursuing
and a catch-all “there are possibly some unknown crucial considerations I’m neglecting”
Internally I expect even harsh criticism to then kinda feel like “Yeah good point, but also haha, I already kinda considered that and you merely cause me to update!” xD
Thanks for sharing, I like how concrete all of this is and think it’s generally a really important practice.
One “hack” that came to mind that I think helped me feeling more relaxed about the prospect of even pretty harsh criticism: Think of some worst cases already in advance. Like when you do a project/plan your life, consider the hypotheses that e.g.
you should not do this in theory good project because you are the wrong person for it, e.g. due to you not being [insert relevant features/skills] enough (yet!)
the project you plan working on will actually make things worse for various potential reasons
the career you invested your energy into is far from the best you could be pursuing
and a catch-all “there are possibly some unknown crucial considerations I’m neglecting”
Internally I expect even harsh criticism to then kinda feel like “Yeah good point, but also haha, I already kinda considered that and you merely cause me to update!” xD