Note that I didn’t actually say “deportation of non-citizens somehow violates fundamental human rights” as you assert. The reference to fundamental rights was in the past tense: “had been used to deny fundamental human rights.” Certainly slavery involves the denial of a fundamental human right. The e.g. that references deportation follows the broader term “rights denial.”
That being said, I would characterize at least severe discriminatory treatment by the government on the basis of race as denial of a fundamental human right.
In any event, I recognize the concern you identify—but using only abstract hypotheticals is going to systematically bias the hypo in favor of the scientific racists by stripping away important context. If adding certain context changes the results of the hypo, then we’re stuck with an object-level debate on which hypo better reflects reality.
Note that I didn’t actually say “deportation of non-citizens somehow violates fundamental human rights” as you assert. The reference to fundamental rights was in the past tense: “had been used to deny fundamental human rights.” Certainly slavery involves the denial of a fundamental human right. The e.g. that references deportation follows the broader term “rights denial.”
That being said, I would characterize at least severe discriminatory treatment by the government on the basis of race as denial of a fundamental human right.
In any event, I recognize the concern you identify—but using only abstract hypotheticals is going to systematically bias the hypo in favor of the scientific racists by stripping away important context. If adding certain context changes the results of the hypo, then we’re stuck with an object-level debate on which hypo better reflects reality.