Thanks for the reply, it feels like you’re engaging in good faith and I really appreciate that!
Brief notes --
The word “controversy”: Thanks. I think the issue with some of these media things is that they feed off of themselves. Something becomes a controversy merely because everyone believes it’s controversial; even though it really might not have to be. (For a longer explanation of this phenomenon, search for “gaffe” here)
People you met: I believe you that you met people who were into HBD. I saw at least one comment in Manifest discord last year that weirded me out. I’m pro people discussing that and how to relate to that. (I’m just worried how the term “racist” easily steers this off the rails, as seen in some of the other comments on this post)
Republicans: I’ll be blunt, but I think you’re way off base here. Being a republican is equally as compatible with EA as being a Democrat. Lots of people on both sides have incompatible views. I honestly think you just haven’t met enough Republicans! (Maybe some could introduce themselves in reply to this comment? :) )
Distancing: I think some version of the “platforming” concept makes sense. I currently don’t think Lighthaven should be die hard free speech absolutists. We’re freer than most—but there’s some limit. Yet platforming rules are really tricky to apply. To me, the trickiest part is that deplatforming not self-correcting: by removing someone’s ability to speak, you also risk removing their ability to complain about being removed. This freaks me out.
>I’m just worried how the term “racist” easily steers this off the rails, as seen in some of the other comments on this post
Not many terms are more gerrymandered or more “powerful.” Overuse and lack of clarity are degrading its usefulness.
>(Maybe some could introduce themselves in reply to this comment? :) )
Doing so seems like a good way to get put on some EA watchlist of who shouldn’t be invited to future events, or at least put under greater scrutiny :p Maybe after the election season you’ll have better luck...
Maybe useful: “Latently controversial” – there’s no public controversy because people didn’t know about it, but if people had more information, there would be public controversy. I think this would perhaps be more the case with Manifest if the article hadn’t come out, but it’s still reasonable to consider Manifest to have some inherent potential “controversialness” given choice of speakers.
Being a republican is equally as compatible with EA as being a Democrat.
Have you had a look at things like project 2025? Because I’ll be honest, if EAs despite that think that “being a republican is equally as compatible with EA as being a Democrat” (as the agree-votes seem to indicate) then I don’t think I want to be an EA.
Thanks for the reply, it feels like you’re engaging in good faith and I really appreciate that!
Brief notes --
The word “controversy”: Thanks. I think the issue with some of these media things is that they feed off of themselves. Something becomes a controversy merely because everyone believes it’s controversial; even though it really might not have to be. (For a longer explanation of this phenomenon, search for “gaffe” here)
People you met: I believe you that you met people who were into HBD. I saw at least one comment in Manifest discord last year that weirded me out. I’m pro people discussing that and how to relate to that. (I’m just worried how the term “racist” easily steers this off the rails, as seen in some of the other comments on this post)
Republicans: I’ll be blunt, but I think you’re way off base here. Being a republican is equally as compatible with EA as being a Democrat. Lots of people on both sides have incompatible views. I honestly think you just haven’t met enough Republicans! (Maybe some could introduce themselves in reply to this comment? :) )
Distancing: I think some version of the “platforming” concept makes sense. I currently don’t think Lighthaven should be die hard free speech absolutists. We’re freer than most—but there’s some limit. Yet platforming rules are really tricky to apply. To me, the trickiest part is that deplatforming not self-correcting: by removing someone’s ability to speak, you also risk removing their ability to complain about being removed. This freaks me out.
>I’m just worried how the term “racist” easily steers this off the rails, as seen in some of the other comments on this post
Not many terms are more gerrymandered or more “powerful.” Overuse and lack of clarity are degrading its usefulness.
>(Maybe some could introduce themselves in reply to this comment? :) )
Doing so seems like a good way to get put on some EA watchlist of who shouldn’t be invited to future events, or at least put under greater scrutiny :p Maybe after the election season you’ll have better luck...
Maybe useful: “Latently controversial” – there’s no public controversy because people didn’t know about it, but if people had more information, there would be public controversy. I think this would perhaps be more the case with Manifest if the article hadn’t come out, but it’s still reasonable to consider Manifest to have some inherent potential “controversialness” given choice of speakers.
Have you had a look at things like project 2025? Because I’ll be honest, if EAs despite that think that “being a republican is equally as compatible with EA as being a Democrat” (as the agree-votes seem to indicate) then I don’t think I want to be an EA.