Congrats! Your table of contents seems very thoughtfully structured and piques my interest. I’m curious how you arrived at the marginal cost of ~$10,000/procedure and ~$1000/year in storage costs and QALY estimations, but I assume that will be discussed more in detail in the book.
Also as a heads up, your link to the study about erasing memories leads to a server error (at least on my end).
Yes, chapter 8 is essentially an overview of how QALY calculations are performed in health economics and how brain preservation techniques fare against other therapies. Lots more details there.
Weird that the erasure link isn’t working for you, it works fine when I click on it? Either way, the paper is:
‘Labelling and optical erasure of synaptic memory traces in the motor cortex’
Congrats! Your table of contents seems very thoughtfully structured and piques my interest. I’m curious how you arrived at the marginal cost of ~$10,000/procedure and ~$1000/year in storage costs and QALY estimations, but I assume that will be discussed more in detail in the book.
Also as a heads up, your link to the study about erasing memories leads to a server error (at least on my end).
Thanks! Yes, chapter 8 is essentially an overview of how QALY calculations are performed in health economics and how brain preservation techniques fare against other therapies. Lots more details there.
Weird that the erasure link isn’t working for you, it works fine when I click on it? Either way, the paper is: ‘Labelling and optical erasure of synaptic memory traces in the motor cortex’