Glad to see you raising this. I raised a related question here (has a slightly more US-centric angle to it). In that post I do suggest some interventions, but there’s not a lot of careful research behind it.
What I am trying to say is that this being one of the longest treatments on this to exist feels like a failure / blind spot of the community.
We’re in the midst of very severe systemic changes, domestic and international, and—ideally—there’d be lots of thorough analysis on the forum and elsewhere.
Glad to see you raising this. I raised a related question here (has a slightly more US-centric angle to it). In that post I do suggest some interventions, but there’s not a lot of careful research behind it.
Yes, I saw this and was happy for it to exist.
What I am trying to say is that this being one of the longest treatments on this to exist feels like a failure / blind spot of the community.
We’re in the midst of very severe systemic changes, domestic and international, and—ideally—there’d be lots of thorough analysis on the forum and elsewhere.