Having regime and not breaking it. (Now after a year, I can break it by one or two hours, if I can sleep the next morning longer)
Always sleeping enough hours (luckily, I don’t have to be at work on time)
Meditating (learning to step out of the anxious thoughts and rumminating)
Having blue light off on the phone and notebook. And ideally not using it.
Not looking at social media, emails and other stuff which can bring me anxious thoughts.
Trying to read in the evening
Use podcast / audiobook when I really feel weird about sleeping.
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Less Wrong (text)
Less Wrong (link)
Having regime and not breaking it. (Now after a year, I can break it by one or two hours, if I can sleep the next morning longer)
Always sleeping enough hours (luckily, I don’t have to be at work on time)
Meditating (learning to step out of the anxious thoughts and rumminating)
Having blue light off on the phone and notebook. And ideally not using it.
Not looking at social media, emails and other stuff which can bring me anxious thoughts.
Trying to read in the evening
Use podcast / audiobook when I really feel weird about sleeping.
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