I’m a senior software engineer at Waymo, and previously worked at Google. I’ve conducted around 150 technical interviews and been part of a couple hiring committees.
Who can this probably help
People who want to work as software engineers at FAANG companies (or companies with similar interviews), and want to get more feedback than a leetcode/Hackerrank will give. For example, how many questions to ask the interviewer? How to talk about your background? What exactly is the hiring bar for a recent college grad? And other things that are otherwise hard to learn about.
I expect this to be most helpful for folks early in their career (or pre-career!), but I’m happy to give a mock interview for anyone.
Also more generally, if you want to practice interviews but find real interviews stressful, I’m friendly!
Body: Hey, could we set up a mock software interview?
Anything else you write is a bonus. We’ll figure out a compatible time over email.
[edit: I sometimes get asked if these are still ongoing. I hereby commit to updating this page if I stop doing these.
I’ve also had someone offer to share some interviewing.io interviews that they have built up, so if you are interested feel free to ask about that and I’ll get you in touch with them.
After having done a dozen or so of these practice interviews, there are also some common themes that come up pretty frequently. These are:
1) It’s important to be familiar with the major datastructures in the programming language you intend to interview in. Big-O cheatsheet has a good summary of the operations that various structures support efficiently. The most important structures for interviews are IMO: arrays, linked lists (for stacks/queues), hash maps, balanced binary search trees, heaps, and tries.
2) It’s good to feel comfortable with the syntax of the language and basic implementation. Leetcode/Neetcode/Hackerrank are great for this. Project Euler is excellent for more algorithmically heavy problems, although I would recommend against going beyond the 100 most solved problems (unless you love number theory).
3) Ask the interviewer clarifying questions and for examples of terms. It’s really helpful to be on the same page and prevent accidentally going off on a different problem.]
Offering FAANG-style mock interviews
My background
I’m a senior software engineer at Waymo, and previously worked at Google. I’ve conducted around 150 technical interviews and been part of a couple hiring committees.
Who can this probably help
People who want to work as software engineers at FAANG companies (or companies with similar interviews), and want to get more feedback than a leetcode/Hackerrank will give. For example, how many questions to ask the interviewer? How to talk about your background? What exactly is the hiring bar for a recent college grad? And other things that are otherwise hard to learn about.
I expect this to be most helpful for folks early in their career (or pre-career!), but I’m happy to give a mock interview for anyone.
Also more generally, if you want to practice interviews but find real interviews stressful, I’m friendly!
Contact me
Email: dantweinand@gmail.com
Title: EA FAANG mock interview
Body: Hey, could we set up a mock software interview?
Anything else you write is a bonus. We’ll figure out a compatible time over email.
[edit: I sometimes get asked if these are still ongoing. I hereby commit to updating this page if I stop doing these.
I’ve also had someone offer to share some interviewing.io interviews that they have built up, so if you are interested feel free to ask about that and I’ll get you in touch with them.
After having done a dozen or so of these practice interviews, there are also some common themes that come up pretty frequently. These are:
1) It’s important to be familiar with the major datastructures in the programming language you intend to interview in. Big-O cheatsheet has a good summary of the operations that various structures support efficiently. The most important structures for interviews are IMO: arrays, linked lists (for stacks/queues), hash maps, balanced binary search trees, heaps, and tries.
2) It’s good to feel comfortable with the syntax of the language and basic implementation. Leetcode/Neetcode/Hackerrank are great for this. Project Euler is excellent for more algorithmically heavy problems, although I would recommend against going beyond the 100 most solved problems (unless you love number theory).
3) Ask the interviewer clarifying questions and for examples of terms. It’s really helpful to be on the same page and prevent accidentally going off on a different problem.]