Hey everyone, the moderators want to point out that this topic is heated for several reasons:
Lots of relevant information comes from people’s personal experiences, which will vary a lot.
Harassment and power dynamics are often emotionally loaded and can be difficult to discuss objectively.
Polyamory is something that a lot of the world stigmatizes, so some people will be defensive (whether merited or not), and some will be subconsciously biased against it. This makes it hard to discuss without assuming that some people are hostile.
So we want to ask everyone to be especially understanding and generous when discussing topics this sensitive (and really appreciate some of the thoughtful replies in the comments). And as a reminder, harassment is unacceptable. One resource that exists for this is the Community Health Team at CEA. As they point out, you can get in touch with them. If you ever experience harassment of any kind on the Forum, please reach out to the moderation team.
I wish to take down this post from EA forum based on the comments received. The version exists on my website and on Twitter. I am not seeing an option for it from my control panel. Could you do it for me?
Hi Keerthana—I’m sorry you feel the comments on this have pushed you to want to take this post down. I have previously taken down a long comment I made on something related to women’s health, that was heavily down voted (I suspect by a concerted few—based on other patterns I’ve seen on the Forum). I felt awful about this (because it felt like I was being lynched for expressing a completely reasonable and wide held opinion). But I still know what I said to be fair and a very necessary contribution to the conversation. Anyway, if you want to talk, please reach out to me. I appreciated reading your work and I thank you for putting it out there. Don’t feel silenced by a few.
We might be talking to journalists. There are other women too who have left AI safety, EA due to problems I mentioned above and they’re not on the forum because they left the community. I definitely would love to hear from you even if you do not want to speak publicly about this. I am @keerthanpg on twitter :)
If you select “move to draft” that should make it invisible to everyone but you, I think.
For what it’s worth, I’m sorry to be losing the post—I thought it was a valuable contribution. I know being in the center of these kinds of conversations can be pretty overwhelming though, especially on an emotional topic where a lot of people pretty strongly disagree with you.
I am not willing to be attacked like this. I heard the word ‘bigot’ thrown around. Trying to change the minds of EA is a lost cause. Sexual harassment does not discriminate but the comments make it seem that only well articulate, debate sophisticated victims deserve to be heard here. So I’ll let the community carry on and remove myself, I am not here to debate and win because my time is valuable.
Thank you, that works. But I also want to download all the comments/discussion because I may need it in the future. Would you know how I can do that before deleting? I only see an “archive” button, I wish to have a copy of it on my local separate from the server where the site is hosted.
Hey everyone, the moderators want to point out that this topic is heated for several reasons:
Lots of relevant information comes from people’s personal experiences, which will vary a lot.
Harassment and power dynamics are often emotionally loaded and can be difficult to discuss objectively.
Polyamory is something that a lot of the world stigmatizes, so some people will be defensive (whether merited or not), and some will be subconsciously biased against it. This makes it hard to discuss without assuming that some people are hostile.
So we want to ask everyone to be especially understanding and generous when discussing topics this sensitive (and really appreciate some of the thoughtful replies in the comments).
And as a reminder, harassment is unacceptable. One resource that exists for this is the Community Health Team at CEA. As they point out, you can get in touch with them. If you ever experience harassment of any kind on the Forum, please reach out to the moderation team.
Hi Lizka,
I wish to take down this post from EA forum based on the comments received. The version exists on my website and on Twitter. I am not seeing an option for it from my control panel. Could you do it for me?
Hi Keerthana—I’m sorry you feel the comments on this have pushed you to want to take this post down. I have previously taken down a long comment I made on something related to women’s health, that was heavily down voted (I suspect by a concerted few—based on other patterns I’ve seen on the Forum). I felt awful about this (because it felt like I was being lynched for expressing a completely reasonable and wide held opinion). But I still know what I said to be fair and a very necessary contribution to the conversation. Anyway, if you want to talk, please reach out to me. I appreciated reading your work and I thank you for putting it out there. Don’t feel silenced by a few.
We might be talking to journalists. There are other women too who have left AI safety, EA due to problems I mentioned above and they’re not on the forum because they left the community. I definitely would love to hear from you even if you do not want to speak publicly about this. I am @keerthanpg on twitter :)
If you select “move to draft” that should make it invisible to everyone but you, I think.
For what it’s worth, I’m sorry to be losing the post—I thought it was a valuable contribution. I know being in the center of these kinds of conversations can be pretty overwhelming though, especially on an emotional topic where a lot of people pretty strongly disagree with you.
I am not willing to be attacked like this. I heard the word ‘bigot’ thrown around. Trying to change the minds of EA is a lost cause. Sexual harassment does not discriminate but the comments make it seem that only well articulate, debate sophisticated victims deserve to be heard here. So I’ll let the community carry on and remove myself, I am not here to debate and win because my time is valuable.
Hi Keerthana,
I’m moving your post to drafts — which makes it invisible to everyone but you (and admins, if they ever need to check your account for some reason).
You can (still) fully delete it by selecting the three dots in the top-right corner under the title, and selecting “delete.”
I’m sorry that you feel that you need to do this!
Thank you, that works. But I also want to download all the comments/discussion because I may need it in the future. Would you know how I can do that before deleting? I only see an “archive” button, I wish to have a copy of it on my local separate from the server where the site is hosted.
You can screenshot the post or print the page (just like you can do with any page); there’s no direct way to download everything.
Just had to click through all comments to expand them but it worked perfectly, thank you.