How does GiveWell’s All Grants Fund compare to EA Funds’s Global Health and Development Fund? My understanding is that both funds are looking primarily at global health interventions and have a greater tolerance for risk than GiveWell’s Top Charities Fund. Are there major differences between the funds?
Thanks for your question! There really isn’t a tremendous difference between the two in terms of purpose—both are allocated to global health and development opportunities, either among GiveWell’s top charities or to other programs that are high-expected-value. The EA Global Health and Development Fund preceded the All Grants Fund, which we launched in August of this year.
How does GiveWell’s All Grants Fund compare to EA Funds’s Global Health and Development Fund? My understanding is that both funds are looking primarily at global health interventions and have a greater tolerance for risk than GiveWell’s Top Charities Fund. Are there major differences between the funds?
Hi, Tom,
Thanks for your question! There really isn’t a tremendous difference between the two in terms of purpose—both are allocated to global health and development opportunities, either among GiveWell’s top charities or to other programs that are high-expected-value. The EA Global Health and Development Fund preceded the All Grants Fund, which we launched in August of this year.