I guess one question I would have is whether the campaigners at the time were using good reason and evidence. It’s possible that the information we have now was not available to them, and it’s also possible that it’s a legitimate cause area (i.e. overpopulation is a real concern) even if the means (sterilisation etc.) are clearly wrong. I’m not an expert on this at all but will read up on more recent literature on overpopulation!
Family and Sanctity of life are probably good frames for a Christian audience. As is the way we treat the poorest, most downtrodden: whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me (from Matthew 25:40).
Relating back to cause prioritization: a cause that treats people as a problem will always be inherently flawed.
I guess one question I would have is whether the campaigners at the time were using good reason and evidence. It’s possible that the information we have now was not available to them, and it’s also possible that it’s a legitimate cause area (i.e. overpopulation is a real concern) even if the means (sterilisation etc.) are clearly wrong. I’m not an expert on this at all but will read up on more recent literature on overpopulation!
Forced sterilization in India: https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2019/6/5/18629801/emergency-in-india-1975-indira-gandhi-sterilization-ford-foundation
Family and Sanctity of life are probably good frames for a Christian audience. As is the way we treat the poorest, most downtrodden: whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me (from Matthew 25:40).
Relating back to cause prioritization: a cause that treats people as a problem will always be inherently flawed.